
Properties: Agate is exactly that, a slice of life!  This huge category of stones features every color, shape, size and style under the collective rainbow!  It’s combinations are as diverse as its names (based on colors, locations found and nickames…blue lace agate, Colorado agate, snakeskin agate) and its metaphysical properties.  The name is derived from its occurrence at the Achates River in southwestern Sicily.

Agate is a distinctly banded fibrous chalcedony, amorphous and cryptocrystalline silica gems. The banding in agate is based on periodic changes in the translucency of the agate substance. It is further classified under two distant bandings. When the individual bands run perpendicular to the orientation and growth direction of the chalcedony fibers, it is considered Wall-lining Banding.  When the banding consists of fine, irregularly spaced layers of small chalcedony and sometimes quartz crystals that precipitated in the cavity, they are considered Horizontal Banding.

Composed of microscopic crystals of Quartz laid down in colorful bands or ribbons. The appearance of the stone is waxy and soft. Almost always translucent and occasionally transparent. Agates are grounding stones. Agates are one of the oldest good luck stones. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness. Builds self-confidence. Agate enables the person wearing it to choose their friends carefully. Used to avert from lighting and stormy weather (physically and metaphysically), agate brings prosperity. It is a protector of children. This stone helps us to have patience, and allows for inner peace. Use agate as a gazing tool for divination and meditation. Agate balances emotions and brings insight to any situation.

Folk Remedies: Agate is a fertility stone used for centuries. It is believed to prevent miscarriages and alleviate discomfort during pregnancy. It is a cooling stone used for stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Used for centering, taking heart and maintaining blood sugar levels. This is why it is so helpful for dizziness, headaches and impaired balance. anorexia/food issues, and inflammation. Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury/burns.

Feng Shui: Agate is used primarily anywhere to help bring change. Used in the Center for balance, health and grounding and in the West for children, in the Southwest (as a pair) for fertility and in the East for community and family.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 2 and method 5 – 8

History: Agate is (SiO2) quartz with the addition of Al, Ca, Fe, Mn. This is Chalcedony quartz in red, orange, yellow, browns and blues. Agate has additional metaphysical properties based on its color and specific qualities Agate stone was named after the river Achates in Sicily. Agate was used to make scarabs in ancient Egypt.

Additional variation of agate can be found all over the world. See a brief description of each, below and find more in depth information under each individual name:

Black Banded Agate

This is a stone for grounding and centering the energies of the Root Chakra. Use for self control, grounding, resilience, quiet power, invisibility, peace and anxiety. Black agate is considered a receiving stones and is used for calming, soothing, inward meditation and reflection. When used for Chakra healing and balancing, Black Agate represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally, when using black stones at the Root Chakra, they bring us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence

Blue Banded Agate

This stone represents the spiritual aspects of our life. The sky and the ocean give us the feeling that life is an endless process and this stone is no exception. Blue is the greatest healing power in the world. Blue is the color of purity and those who carry this stone with them can obtain a sense of calmness, peace, serenity, and beauty. The Throat Chakra is energized by blue. Through the throat, we express ourselves, connecting with sound and voice, carrying power with our words. Blue banded agate helps with this task.

Blue Lace Agate

Helps to focus on the inner source of love within you that transforms and heals all emotional wounds. Contains the qualities of flight, air, movement, and grace. Highly inspirational when working with the inner self. Works well with not only the Throat Chakra, but the Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. It has been compared to the layers of the mantle of the Virgin Mary.  They help develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They teach us humanity, discretion, and honor.

Botswana Agate

Gray, brown, red and earth colors these stones are waxy in appearance and display beautiful patterns when polished. Strongly recommended for firefighters, people who smoke, and for anyone who comes in regular contact with excessive amounts of heat or smoke. A pleasant feeling of playfulness comes from meditating with this stone. Used for soothing depression and helps you to look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems.  Great for exploring unknown territory and your boosting your own creativity.  Botswana Agate helps in seeing the bigger picture.

Fire Agate

Most often found in North America.  Comes in shades of orange, brown, blue, or green. Strong connection to the energies of the earth and fire.  Excellent stone to use before meditating.  Induces a feeling of relaxation.  Helps alleviate problems relating to the stomach and endocrine system.  Helps you examine and deal with problems in a calm and safe manner.  Helps take the edge off difficult experiences. Recommended for dentists, optometrists, and those in the healing profession. Use this stone to represent the element of fire.

Moss Agate

Connects one to Nature. Translucent, transparent agate containing inclusions of minerals that look like moss or foliage. It has been used for improving ego and self-esteem, emotional balance and strengthens positive personality traits. Allows one to see all the beauty one’s eyes touch. Moss agate is known to transmute anger, diffusing it the longer your hold it. This stone has been used to help one cling to new ideas instead of those in the past, allowing the “letting go” to be a little easier.  Use moss agate for meditation and to help you relax when you are not able to get outdoors.  Good for bringing the power of positive thinking your way!

Orange Banded Agate

This stone helps us in times of depression, loneliness, and boredom. It is the best emotional stimulant. Joy comes from orange energy. Orange has the love from red and the wisdom from yellow. It strengthens confidence and allows independence. This stone gives power to remove suppression and inhibitions. It allows you to create ideas and give courage and strength. Symbolic of prosperity and pride, orange is useful for stimulating blood supply and energizing the nerves. It stimulates the Sacral Spleen Chakra.

Pink Agate

This stone is a promoter of love. Pink agate is the (tertiary blend) of red and white. White represents the entire visible light spectrum that a human can see. It is all the colors together. It represents complete energy and fullness or wholeness.  Red is the color in the spectrum with the longest visible wavelength. It represents movement, motivation and heat.  When added to white, red softens its glow and takes on the properties of both colors.  Therefore, it is used as a great neutralizer.  It soothes anger and negative energy. It provides an underlying tone of confidence and support and helps us to move from a defensive state of mind to a calming and positive one.

Purple Agate

This is a stone of meditation and spiritual transformation. This stone works on the Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. It assists in allowing trust with your own intuition and opens the spiritual flood gates to a realm of endless possibilities. It gives us the space to “be” our spiritual selves and clears the mind for extraordinary vision and insight. Agate is composed of microscopic crystals of Quartz laid down in colorful bands or ribbons. Agates are grounding stones and although this works with the upper Chakra, its energy keeps us rooted. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness.

Red Banded Agate

This is a stone for grounding and centering the energies of the Root Chakra. The colors for the Root Chakra are red or black and these stones work for “rooting” or centering your power. Agate stones help us to connect with our physical body. It is used to connect to your essential self to know who you are. This stone helps give you determination and helps with survival in the physical realm. Red is a projecting stones which assists in destroy disease, strengthens conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success.  Red stones are used for protection, courage, energy.

Snake Skin Agate

Resembling the skin of a snake in appearance, this extraordinary agate stone offers the encouragement of self-esteem and self-awareness. It has been used to initiate the upward spiral of the kundalini energy through the Chakra system. Like a snake, it surges forward, activating all energies in its path. As a result, when using snakeskin agate, you can experience increased awareness, a joyful re-connection and an overwhelming sense of self-love. It is often expressed that by the action of kundalini rising, you receive a feeling of a renewed love for life.

Tree Agate

Tree agate is often found in a matrix of quartz with distinct color patterns against a white background. They resemble the wisp of trees and represent the grounding of their roots and the whimsy of their branches.  Moving in all directions, tree agate helps to bring focus back. It allows us to ground ourselves like the roots of a tree, while also being able to grow up and outward with abandon.  Tree agate connects us closer to nature. It is used to nurture the heart and Heart Chakra energy while connecting us to things that matter to us. (matters of the heart).

Magic Eye Stone, Agate Eye, Third Eye, Goat’s Eye, Shiva Stone

This stone has been referred to as Agate Eye Stones of India, Agate Eyes, Third Eye Stone, Shiva Eye, Shiva Agate and are natural stones with concentric banding of different colors in a circular pattern. These rare, natural occurrences in the crystal world are the “watchers” of the Mineral Kingdom! Each one is a unique formation that happens in all types of gemstones. Their properties are as special.
You will often see this amazing “banding” in stones such as agate, amethyst, carnelian, sardonyx, as well as any other stones, which have a layering effect. These unique bands will sometimes form an “eye” with an apparent iris colored outer ring and central pupil in the middle. Sometimes, you will find these as “bi-layer stones”, where two stones have been melded together.  They are a reminder that we are love and compassion in action. The stone with a white base or marble-ized agate is often called “Goat’s Eye’ or goat agate. 
These crystals are a symbol representing the capacity of human consciousness to see beyond the obvious or perceive beyond the outwardly visible and tangible; to reach that inner source of life which is the font of divine energy and power. This symbolism says that all human beings who use their discriminating powers, can, in the silence of their inner selves, seek the sanctuary of truth and purity. Magic eye stones have been used in many cultures.
An Indian symbol that is represented as the third eye, this stone is often used in Chakra Balancing at the Third Eye position and in Aura Cleansing at the Celestial layer. Throughout history, the all-seeing eye is used for protection. They can be worn or hang in any space for protection. Stones in the shape of eyes are said to repel negativity by reflecting it back to the source.  
Also called Shiva Stones, they wash up on riverbanks or are carved into the shape of an eye! These valued crystals have long been believed to enhance psychic abilities, bring us in tune with our intuition, empower our extrasensory perception, and boost our imagination and concentration! 

Centuries of Folk Lore

Agates are one of the oldest good luck stones. They help obtain a better physical/emotional balance. They work to raise consciousness and build self-confidence. Agate enables the person wearing it to choose their friends carefully. Used to avert from lighting and stormy weather (physically and metaphysically), agate brings prosperity.

It is a protector of children. This stone helps us to have patience, and allows for inner peace. Use agate as a gazing tool for divination and meditation. Agate balances emotions and brings insight to any situation.

Agate is a fertility stone used for centuries. It is believed to alleviate discomfort during pregnancy.



Angels: Guardian Angel
Associated Crystal: chelcedony family
Birthstone: June
Color: Many varieties
Chakra: All Chakra
Element: Earth
Flowers: Begonias, Gladiolias,
Oils: Basil, Patchouli, Sage
Gods/Goddesses: St. Brigid, Cupra, Dana, Gaia, Juventas, Kuan-Yin, Tara
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Gemini
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara, Litha, Mabon
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune

Empowerment Pouch

Create your own empowerment pouch based on your needs and desires. Choose 4 of the many different agate stones and apply to a meditation grid.  Place one stone in each direction on the floor or sacred space. Use one for each direct – north, south, east, west. Sit comfortably in your stone circle. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.  State your intention… why are you here?  Picture the stones surrounding you like some old friends. With each breath, allow the stones to nurture and protect you, advise and relax you.

Finish your meditation by slowly opening your eyes. You may want to consider journaling about your situation. Store you stones in a special pouch you have chosen.

Cleansing & Charging Agate

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: methods 1 – 2 and method 5 – 8

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

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icons-emotions  Crystals associated with anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief, fear, and shock (fright). Click here
icons-holiday Crystals can be used to create intention, encourage change or decorate for any holiday!  Click here
icons-names  Gemstones can be known by their scientific name, common name or nickname. Click here
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icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here
icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here
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