
Properties: This aluminum oxide corundum stone is found in a number of beautiful colors (except red) from blue, green, pink, purple to clear. It is related to ruby due to its mineral makeup. Sapphires are known as stone of prophetic wisdom. They have a long standing use in history. It is a stone of strength and gives great will power.

These stones lessen tension and aligns the mental, physical, and spiritual planes. They can be an important stone for people with spiritual confusion or depression, those involved in situations out of their control, and anyone with concentration problems. They are therefore, used to help balance many aspects of the mind that feels overwhelmed, unfocused, or not grounded.  Good for day dreamers who tend to waste time, feel scattered or cannot seem to find direction in life.

Folk Remedies: Sapphires have been used over the centuries to help balance our Chakra energies and re-align the auric field.  They are used for treating anxiety, claustrophobia or other mental/emotional disorders we feel we have no control over, yet can easily resolve by quieting the mind. concentrating on a single task or doing meditative breath work.

Feng Shui: Sapphires used in the North area of your home or business for personal journeys, in the Northwest for travel, Northeast for wisdom and Southwest for love.

Crystal Cleansing: Sapphires should be discharged and recharged at the same time in dry sea salt. Avoid excess exposure to sun.

History: Found in the US, Australia, and India, sapphires (AL2O3+Fe, Ti) have a long standing use in history. This aluminum oxide corundum stone is found in a number of beautiful colors, except red, as red is considered ruby. In fact in India, other colored sapphires were considered “unripe rubies”. Sapphire is found numerous times in the Bible.

Sapphire was one of the 12 stones in the Breastplate of Aaron. Sapphire was highly regarded in antiquities by kings and emperors. Persian tales told of how the Earth balanced on a brilliant blue sapphire and its reflection gave color to the sky. Church and state have both used sapphires as stones representing wisdom, confidence and sincerity.

Sapphires have been regarded as priceless, powerful stones used in jewelry, talisman and crowns. Sapphire is one of the stones in the Crown Jewels of Britain. It has been crushed and used for makeup, coloring the robes of kings and as polish for violins. Sapphires held a very special place in the healing remedies of Hildegard Von Bingen. It was believed she used sapphires successfully to treat people possessed by the devil.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire: is a crystal used for communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion and peacefulness. Its folk history has it attuning to the pituitary and thyroid and was used in history for cooling fevers, stopping nosebleeds, assisting with hearing problems, epilepsy, burns, as well as, being a great detoxer for the skin and body. It is often used as an antidepressant. Its cooling color contracts, soothes, and reducing inflammation. It is one of the best stone for the nervous system and meridians. Strongest if next to the skin. Especially wonderful for the Throat Chakra. It is a stone that is said to bring happiness. Blue sapphire is attuned to Pisces and is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stones associated with Saturn. Blue sapphire was one of the 12 stones in the Breastplate of Aaron.

Pink Sapphire

Pink sapphire is an emotional balancing crystal used to transmute energies that make the heart uneasy. It is a great stone for soothing the heart from heartbreak, an unsettled mind, and issues associated with love.  Pink sapphire shows us clarity within a relationship. It take the anger of red and the purity of white and brings together this sedating, cooling peaceful color that helps with anxiety, jealousy, rage or complacency.  Use at the Heart Chakra

Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire: is a healing stone for the Solar Plexus Chakra. It offers strength of will and encourages the balance of self power. Use this stone to increase your sunny disposition. Famous for stimulating the intellect, it is a crystal that helps one to see the bigger picture in life. This stone is considered a wealth drawing stone. Keep one in your place of business, cash register or on your desk. Folk remedies used this stone as one of the best detoxifiers. This is a stone that is said to bring success and prosperity. Yellow sapphire is attuned to Gemini and is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stones associated with Jupiter.

Star Sapphire

Star Sapphire: has an aqueous inclusion in its makeup that creates a refracted five-pointed star on the stone’s surface. Black sapphires are more grounding and useful for protection. May strengthen your resolve by posing challenges to overcome. This star is a focus point in the gem. Recommended for people who wish to awaken or heighten their psychic abilities. Works as a relaxing agent during times of extreme physical exertion. Healers of the spirit and and body are often drawn to this stone. This stone is used in anticipating the intentions of others. One of the stones used for contacting extraterrestrial beings. Star sapphire is attuned to Libra.

Of Knowledge & Wisdom

Sapphires are known as stone of prophetic wisdom. They have a long standing use in history. It is a stone of strength and gives great will power.

These stones lessen tension and aligns the mental, physical, and spiritual planes. They can be an important stone for people with spiritual confusion or depression, those involved in situations out of their control, and anyone with concentration problems. They are therefore, used to help balance many aspects of the mind that feels overwhelmed, unfocused, or not grounded.

Good for day dreamers who tend to waste time, feel scattered or cannot seem to find direction in life.


Associated Crystal: aluminum oxide family
Color: multi-colored
Chakra: All Chakra
Element: Air
Flowers: Begonias, Bleeding Hearts, Gladiolias, Hydrangea, Marigolds
Oils: Lavender, Bergamot, Blue Chamomile, Rose
Gods/Goddesses: St. Brigid, Cupra, Dana, Gaia, Juventas, Kuan-Yin, Tara, Venus
Zodiac:  Pisces, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius
Sabbat: Imbolc, OstaraLitha, Mabon
Tarot: The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune

Sapphire Sky

Soothing and relaxing, meditative and surreal, this phenomena occurs when the sun skirts the horizon on its decent to the underworld (or at least to the other side of the planet!)  This spectacular light show produces pink, fuschia and violet skies that release their inhibition to to night of the setting sun!

Consider trying this soothing meditation   Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Sapphire

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: Sapphires should be discharged and recharged at the same time in dry sea salt. Avoid excess exposure to sun.

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

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icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here
icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here
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