Water is associated with the Winter season and with cold.
In the Chinese Medicine paradigm, the element is associated with the kidneys and the bladder, which regulate water metabolism and to the reproductive system. There is also a strong relationship with the immune system and the ability of the body to lubricate, repair and protect itself.
The Water Signs of the zodiac are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water is the symbol of our emotions. All life forms consist of water. It involves healing, compassion, reconciliation, friendship, de-stressing, insight, peace, sleep, dreams, intuition, and psychism and health and beauty. A positive water person is sensitive, caring and nurturing. Sometimes they can be a little over emotional and over dramatic in all areas of life. A good balance of water here is needed to keep so that the water person can share there true gifts.
Emotionally, water represents taste, which is experienced on the tongue. It also represents one’s taste in general and one’s desire to taste or experience the world. Therefore, excess water is often equated with sensuality, possessiveness and greed.
Psychologically, water represents a good memory. This can manifest as dwelling on the past. But the ultimate experience of water is remembering that we all share life as a common heritage. This manifests as peace, love and compassion.
The Sacral Spleen Chakra is in the second in the Chakra system and represents our emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification. The second Chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this Chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.
Water can be a common theme in Dream Therapy. It is the biggest indicator of our emotions. Water can be still, raging, wave-like, lapping up on a beach or dripping from a faucet. It is the ideal image for our emotions as well… anger, jealousy, grief, joy, excitement, love and sexuality.
Water represents traits of, or is symbolic of our emotions. All life forms consist of water. It involves healing, compassion, reconciliation, friendship, de-stressing, insight, peace, sleep, dreams, intuition, and psychic abilities and health and beauty. In dreams, when we dream of water in a positive way, it represents a sensitive, caring and nurturing situation.
Water can be still, raging, wave-like, lapping up on a beach or dripping from a faucet. It is the ideal image for our emotions as well… anger, jealousy, grief, joy, excitement and love. Dreaming of water can represent our emotional needs, desires and capabilities. The more we try to hold on to water, the more it can elude us. Dreams of water can represent a sooth and calming stream, yet this same stream can cut through rock. With water, it must be looked at in relation to other symbols within your dream state. Where you standing in a pool of it? You could be flooded with emotions or situations out of your control. Are you drowning in it? You may not be able to “keep your head above water” in a real life situation. Are you floating down a peaceful river or sailing over it? This can mean a calm journey or happy, easy-peasy situation.
Dreaming of bodies of water
1. water can indicate some interesting desires. How is it seen in your dream? The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your sex life. A lake in your dream can mean you are loyal to your friends and your lover. You are very reserved. An ocean can show you are spontaneous and like to please people. 2. Birth dreams relate to water as we are submerged in water for 9 months, the most sheltered and protective time of our lives. Water breaking can be the start of a very traumatic start into the world… such as giving birth or a dam breaking in our dreams. 3. Fountains, geysers and hoses can certainly indicate ejaculation or a sexual release, including the release of energy. 4. Tears in dreams can indicate the release of emotions such as anger, grief or prolonged sadness. Many people are taught that it is not good to cry in public and therefore the release of tears in our dreams can show this trapped emotion. Is this an emotion of yours that is trying to be outwardly expressed?
Universal symbol for emotions. How water behaves in a dream always is significant. Rising water indicates rising emotions. Turbulent, choppy waters, in which a dreamer fears being swamped or drowning, symbolizes being overwhelmed emotionally. Tidal waves may symbolize specific threats that loom in the distance. Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being swept up in one’s emotions. Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity, and fears of emotional contamination. Swimming or bathing peacefully in water symbolizes a comfortable immersion in one’s emotions. The ability to breathe underwater indicates accessibility to unconscious feelings and awareness. Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well. Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin.
All water dreams, other then clear, has a bad omen connected to it and should be studied carefully and taken as a true waning.
The mysterious and amazing healing power of water has been utilized for centuries. Water cleanses, refreshes and restores all life. We are always drawn to water. Be it a soothing fountain, majestic waterfall or the churning sea. Water is a carrier. It flows. It moves along the line of least resistance to find its way to the ocean where comes and goes in the ebb and flow of tides and waves. The appeal is inexplicable! We crave water, maybe because our bodies are made up of a large percent of it. Maybe because we instinctively know how it can heal us.
In Vedic Astrology, each element is related to one of the 12 Houses. Water, associated with Karkata (Cancer), Vrischika (Scorpio), and Meena (Pisces), correspond to 4th House, 8th House and 12th House. Water represents the Moksa Houses. These are houses of the mind, feelings, and perceptions and are the most subtle, deep, and hidden houses.
The elements and houses also correspond to one of the four Aims of Life, or “Purusharthas” In Hinduism, Purushartha (Aims Of Life) refers to a goal, end or aim of human existence.
* Moksa: (spiritual) liberation; or renunciation and detachment
* Dharma: (religious, social and/or moral) righteousness, both spiritual and ritual
* Artha: (material and/or financial) prosperity as well as pursuit of meaning
* Kama: (material) pleasure of any kind
The flow of the houses through the signs represent a pattern of development. The highest house number in each grouping or triad represents the fullest and most powerful expression of energy in that group. For example, the 12th house is the fullest expression of the Water/Moksa houses (4, 8, 12).
Within the Celtic history, water ~ including lakes, streams, rivers, springs and wells, have been held in deep respect, honor and places to visit on pilgrimage. The power of water has refreshing, hydrating and rejuvenating powers that call, the Celts (and most every other culture) to their healing banks and shallows to gather, drink and bathe in the ever sacred waters! Water is considered a fertility symbol, found in the Culdron of Daghda, in the Baths and Sanctuaries of Sulus, on the shoreline of the Boyne River and flowing along Brigid’s Well.
September 23 to December 20
(Autumn equinox to the eve of winter solstice)
Powers: Fluidity, acceptance, tolerance, emotion, love, mercy, compassion, erosion, empathy, sleep, meditation, purification, healing, friendship, fidelity, prophetic dreams, mystery, feelings, fertility, sub-conscious mind, reconciliation.
Stones: Aquamarine, chalecdony, jade, pearl, lapis lazuli, moonstone, sugilite, amethyst, chrysocolla, rose quartz, coral.
Plants: Apple blossom, lemon balm, camellia, catnip, daffodil, elder, gernaium, grape, heather, hibiscus, jasmine, orchid, birch, blackberry, thyme.
Direction: West
Tool: Chalice, Cauldron
Season: Autumn (Spring in the Southern Hemisphere)
Colors: Blue, Green, Turquoise.
Wheel of the Year/Sabbat: Mabon (Autumn Equinox) (Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere)
Number 7
Time: Twilight
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Planets: Moon and Venus
Elemental: Undines (Mermaids and Mermen)
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mari, Venus, Mariamne, Tiamat, Yemaya, (All Sea Goddesses)
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Uyr, Manannan, Neptune, Osiris, Poseidon,
Wind Spirit: Zephyrus (West Wind)
Angel: Raphael
Sense: Taste
Time of life: Maturity
Goddess aspect: Mother
Polarity: Feminine
Hermetic Axiom: “to keep silent”
Tar Water
$ 14.95 -
Mermaid’s Wish Perfume
$ 28.00 -
Aquarmarine Tumblestone Plus
$ 7.95 -
Opalite Tumblestone Only
$ 3.95 -
Aquarmarine Tumblestone Only
$ 6.95 -
Shungite Energy Water
$ 14.95 -
Blue Energy Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
Stones of the Sea Pouch
$ 19.95 -
Mermaid Splash Candle
$ 17.77 -
Larimar Tumblestone Only
$ 18.95 -
Full Moon Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
Mermaid Sea Spray
$ 14.95 -
Chalice Well Water Pendant & Herkimer Diamond
$ 39.95 -
Crystal Mermaid Pendant
$ 21.95 -
New Moon Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
Mermaid Gift Set
$ 39.95 -
Complete Sea Shell Massage Kit
$ 139.95 -
Larimar Tumblestone Plus
$ 19.95 -
Opalite Tumblestone Plus
$ 4.95 -
Double Dolphin Pendant
$ 21.95 -
Mermaid Tail Bracelet
$ 24.95

Moon Tonic Water
Moon Tonic water containing the energies of the moon embody very powerful healing benefits that bring about integral balance and wholeness throughout the body, mind and soul. Clear quartz crystal catalyzes the absorption of lunar energies as well as amplifies the healing benefits.
To Prepare Moon Water
1. Wait for a clear night, preferably on or right before the full moon. put your crystal in a clear glass and cover with one cup of purified water.
2. Check this chart for the exact day of the full moon you have chosen. At sundown, place the glass out of doors in a moonlit place (cover the glass with clear plastic wrap).
3. Remove the glass at dawn. The water is now filled with lunar (and quartz crystal) potency. Drink the moon water every morning to prepare your body, mind and spirit for the stress of the day.

Making Shungite Water
Shungite is stone from Russia. This “Wonder Stone” is known for its protective properties. Use a handful of Shunite chips or a few tumbled stones. Sterilize 200g of shungite chips or a few tumbled stones in boiling water for 10 minutes. Don’t use soap. Cool and then thoroughly rinse the shungite chips. Place the chips in a 2 litre glass or ceramic container and fill with filtered or tap water. Use 2 liter of water for each 200g of shungite chips.
Let the water stand with the shungite chips for 24-72 hours. The container must be open to breathe during this process. A thin, natural fibre cloth can be used to cover the container to exclude dust and insects.
Pour the shungite-infused water into another lidded glass or ceramic container. This water is the finished water, ready for use. Refill the original shungite container with filtered or tap water to prepare a new batch. Excellent as a hair rinse. Useful for pets, birds and plants.

Holy Water
Holy water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy or a religious figure. The use of holy water as a sacramental for protection against evil. It is also water that is believed to be from sacred sites or Holy locations. In Ancient Greek religion, holy water called “chernips” . The Book of Numbers mentions using water in a test for the purity of a wife accused of marital infidelity. Known as the Ordeal of the Bitter Water. In Hinduism, water represents God in a spiritual sense which is the central theme in Mantra Pushpam from Taithreeya Aranyakam of Yajur Veda. Bathing in holy water is a key element in Hinduism, and the Ganges is considered the holiest Hindu river. In Buddhist traditions.water is put into a new pot and kept near a Paritrana ceremony, a blessing for protection.
In metaphysical and other ceremonial traditions, a bowl of salt is blessed and a small amount is stirred into a bowl of water that has been ritually purified. In some traditions, this mixture of water and salt symbolizes the brine of the sea, which is regarded as the womb of the Goddess, and the source of all life on Earth. The mixture is consecrated and used in many religious ceremonies and magical rituals.

Winter and the Water Element
The Water element is associated with all classic cultures and religions from Greek and Roman, to Mayan, Tibetan, Japanese Feng Shui and Chinese medicine. The element of vital and strength, Wood helps move your life upward while anchoring you to your roots, the source of your strength. Wood represents breaking through barriers as it moves upwards.
The Season of Winter is associated with the element Water. The emotional aspect is Fear. The predominant taste is Salty. The associated and most effected organ in Winter are the Kidney and Urinary Bladder and the most common external element is Cold. Strengthening the immune system should be a part of any seasonal ritual! Any tonic formula that strengthens the kidneys and urinary bladder, nourishes the Qi and preserve our essence is appropriate. Remember, the best form of medicine, is preventative.

Water and the Emotions
Winter. This is the time for us to rest and replenish.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers practical advice for adjusting to seasonal changes. One of the basic concepts in TCM is the 5 Element Theory of correspondences. Each element has an associated season, emotion, taste, organ…
The Season of Winter is associated with the element Water. The emotional aspect is Fear. The predominant taste is Salty. The associated and most effected organ in Winter are the Kidney and Urinary Bladder and the most common external element is Cold.
Strengthening the immune system should be a part of any seasonal ritual! Any tonic formula that strengthens the kidneys and urinary bladder, nourishes the Qi and preserve our essence is appropriate. Remember, the best form of medicine, is preventative.

Mermaid’s Tale
by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~ from his new book, Lead Us To A Place ~ your spiritual journey through life’s seasons.
(for mom)
“Life’s a beach and then you sigh,
a sigh of relief, for days gone by.
With time, it gently, slowly drifts,
on clouds of light and sand that sifts,
between your toes and with each day,
invite a little sun your way.
And though you may not be with me,
where sand comes up to meet the sea,
remember you can always take,
a long deep breath to let escape,
the tension as you let it out…
all fear and anger, restless doubt”

Crystals Associated with the Sea
Crystals are not always thought of as being associated with the sea, yet the sea has many gems that it gives up, like treasures from a treasure chest! Crystal, stones and organic matter (such as shells, pearls and coral) bring together the blend of earth and sea, sun and fun!
These stones, crystals and shells are associated with water and relaxation, mermaids and sea goddesses, sailors and journeys. Rich in history, metaphysical energy and mystery, this crystal menagerie incorporate some of the best jewels of the sea!
Consider stones and shells such as abundant abalone, supple sea glass, deep aquamarine, beautiful beach stones, christened chrysocolla, courageous coral, languid larimar, orbicular ocean jasper, opulent opal, precious pearl and much more…

Meditation As Deep As The Sea
Take a minute. Find your center. Close your eyes. Allow a deep breath. Now… listen to your subconscious mind as you reach back to find that which gives you pleasure, makes your heart sing and moves you to do what really brings forth your happiness!
Sense the sea air gently blowing over your body. Let it tussle your hair as the warming sun, slowly kisses your face. Feel the warmth.
Smell the rich flora scented flowers and the ripe smell of sun-baked fruit as the salty air fills your lungs with each breath.
Give your whole body up to the support of the sand you are sitting in, beneath you. Let the sand take all your weight. The deeper you breath the sea air, the more your body releases and let’s go of its tensions….
The Gifts of Water
7 Chakra Sage Smudge Stick
$ 6.95 -
7 Day Chakra Program Ebook
$ 9.95 -
Addiction Stone Set
$ 21.95 -
Amethyst Druzy Clusters
Original price was: $ 32.00.$ 28.00Current price is: $ 28.00. -
Angel’s Mist Sandalwood Essential Oil
$ 23.00 -
Aquarmarine Tumblestone Only
$ 6.95 -
Aquarmarine Tumblestone Plus
$ 7.95 -
Aura Vibrational Myst
$ 14.95 -
Auralite Perfume
$ 38.00 -
Bali Temple Incense Sticks
$ 11.95 -
Black Forest Myst
$ 14.95 -
Blessed Incense Collection®
$ 11.95 -
Blue Energy Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
Blue Moon Candle
$ 19.95 -
Blue Moon Drop Pendant
$ 34.95 -
Blue Sage Smudge Stick
$ 6.95 -
Cedarwood Incense Cones
$ 4.95 -
Chakra Rainbow Mala Prayer Beads
$ 49.95 -
Chalice Well Water Pendant & Herkimer Diamond
$ 39.95 -
Cleanse & Detox Tincture
$ 21.95 -
Complete Sea Shell Massage Kit
$ 139.95 -
Creativity Incense Cones
$ 4.95 -
Crystal Cleanse Kit
$ 19.95 -
Crystal Elixir Oils
$ 11.95 -
Crystal Mermaid Pendant
$ 21.95 -
Crystal Sun Sign Oils
$ 12.95 -
Crystal Travel Pouch
$ 19.95 -
D-tox Tea
$ 8.95 -
Detox Complete System
$ 49.95 -
Double Dolphin Pendant
$ 21.95 -
Dragon’s Blood Incense Cones
$ 5.95 -
Feng Shui Crystal Pouches
$ 14.95 -
Floral Sage Pack
$ 19.95 -
Floral Water Hydro-Sprays
$ 14.95 -
Flower Power Incense Cones
$ 5.95 -
Full Moon Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
Full Moon Candle
$ 14.95 -
Full Moon Crystal Set
$ 14.95 -
Full Moon Drop Pendant
$ 39.95 -
Full Moon Resin Incense
$ 6.95 -
Full Moon Ritual Kit
$ 29.95 -
Gem Eessence Tincture
Original price was: $ 19.95.$ 14.95Current price is: $ 14.95. -
GemEnergy ® “Single Note Elixirs”
Original price was: $ 29.95.$ 24.95Current price is: $ 24.95. -
Goddess Crystal Candle
$ 17.95 -
Goddess Crystal Collection
$ 19.95 -
Golden Afternoon Mood Spray
$ 14.95 -
Green Apple Opal Rough
$ 5.95 -
Hawaiian Plumeria Cone Incense
$ 5.95 -
Himalayan Salt Raw
$ 1.95 -
Imbolc Crystal Pouch
$ 14.95 -
Into the Woods
$ 34.95 -
Jade and Pearl Bracelet
$ 48.00 -
Larimar Tumblestone Only
$ 18.95 -
Larimar Tumblestone Plus
$ 19.95 -
Law of Attraction Crystal Pouch
$ 21.95 -
Machu Picchu Sodalite Spiral
$ 95.95 -
Manifest + Cultivate Oil
$ 21.95 -
Meditation and Journal Kit
$ 49.95 -
Medjugorje Pink Pearl Rosary
$ 21.95 -
Mercury Retrograde Incense Cones
$ 6.95 -
Mermaid Gift Set
$ 39.95 -
Mermaid Sea Spray
$ 14.95 -
Mermaid Splash Candle
$ 17.77 -
Mermaid Tail Bracelet
$ 24.95 -
Mermaid’s Wish Perfume
$ 28.00 -
Moisturizing Pearl Cream
$ 26.00 -
Mystic MOON Glow Essential Oil Blends
$ 9.95 -
New & Full Moon Crystal Set
$ 24.95 -
New Moon Bath Salts
$ 14.95 -
New Moon Beginnings Perfume
$ 28.00 -
New Moon Candle
$ 14.95 -
New Moon Ritual Kit
$ 29.95 -
New Moon/Full Moon Candle Set
$ 27.95 -
Nine Sacred Woods Elixir Oil
$ 9.95 -
Oak Skin Care
$ 34.95 -
Opalite Tumblestone Only
$ 3.95 -
Opalite Tumblestone Plus
$ 4.95 -
Palo Santo Incense
$ 12.95 -
Palo Santo Incense Cones
$ 6.95 -
Palo Santo Powder Incense
$ 6.95 -
Phoenix Rising Pendant
$ 24.95 -
Priority of Life Kit Cleansing
$ 29.95 -
Queen of Hearts Mood Spray
$ 14.95 -
Reiki Quartz Pyramid Generator
$ 21.95 -
Reiki Spirit Incense Cones
$ 5.95 -
Sacred Intention Incense Sticks
$ 6.95 -
Sacred Rue Candle
$ 17.77 -
Sacred Symbol Pendants
$ 21.95 -
Sage Clearing Spray
$ 14.95 -
Sage Incense Cones
$ 4.95 -
Sage Incense Sticks
$ 11.95 -
Sage with Dragons Blood
$ 6.95 -
Sandalwood Incense Cones
$ 4.95 -
Selenite Rough Stone
$ 3.95 -
Sensual Goddess Bath, Body Perfume Oil
$ 24.00 -
Shungite Cube
$ 39.95 -
Shungite Energy Water
$ 14.95 -
Shungite Pyramid
$ 21.95 -
Shungite Tumblestone Only
$ 7.95 -
Shungite Tumblestone Plus
$ 8.95 -
Stones of the Sea Pouch
$ 19.95 -
Summer Casting Herbs
$ 8.95 -
Summer of Love Essential Oil Blends
$ 11.95 -
Sun & Moon Crystal Set
$ 24.95 -
Sweetgrass Braid
$ 12.95 -
Tao Te Ching Incense Sampler
$ 14.95 -
Tar Water
$ 14.95 -
Tarot Incense Cones
$ 5.95 -
The Chakra Myst Sprays
$ 14.95 -
The Chakra Myst System ™
Original price was: $ 105.00.$ 99.00Current price is: $ 99.00. -
Total Eclipse Elixir Oil
$ 9.95 -
Transforming Recovery Pendant
$ 34.95 -
Triple Blessing Oil
$ 11.95 -
Turquoise Anti-Anxiety Pendant
$ 24.95 -
Vedic Chakra Bath Perfume Oils
$ 14.95 -
Vedic Planets Crystal Pouch
$ 59.95 -
Violet Crystal Pouch
$ 14.95 -
Water Element Drop Necklace
$ 34.95 -
Yerba Santa Smudge Stick
$ 5.95 -
Yoga Detox Ebook
$ 9.95 -
Yoga Sutra Oil
$ 9.95