Opals are mysterious stones. this silicate stone contains water, metaphysically, correlating with our emotions. Opals help by clarifying, amplifying and mirroring our feelings, can bring up buried emotions, or desires (including love and passion). With opals in your life, you can find less inhibition, more spontaneity. Their rainbow effect reflect back beautiful colors in the light.
These stones have often been associated with the higher or Crown and Brow Chakra. They assist in visualization, imagination, dreams, and the power of healing. They are efficient as they can easily absorb and store our emotions and thoughts. Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances the imagination and creativity as well.
Large stone measuring 1″ to 1 1/4″. Each stone is different and unique. Andrew will choose the right one for you! We include a color coordinated pouch, cleansing/caring instructions, methods for use and metaphysical properties.