Dreams of Giants, Gardens and Ghosts

~ Interpreting dream symbols from all walks of life. Discover what your dreams are trying to tell you!

~ What dreams may come…

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* How to write a dream journal  |  * Famous dreams interpreters  |  * dream archetypes | * most common dreams




A garden filled with fresh growing vegetables or flowers denotes that you will be prosperous when caring and tending the garden. The potential for healthy growth always depends on how much effort you put into it. Weeds, insects or a decaying garden indicates your neglect. This is often associated with your life path or journey. Anxiety and depression can also be associated with a decaying garden while joy, abundance and happiness are expressed in the fruits of your labor.

 Gemstones (see also Crystals)

Infused with energy, air, water, fire, earth….the Gifts of the Earth that God has provided us, are the most healing and nurturing powers of all. Stones and Crystals have been apart of this Earth since its creation and has played an integral part in its connection between the alignment with the pulse of the Earthbeat and the creatures that walk upon it. Andrew has created one of the most in depth Crystal Dictionaries in the world!


The power of the “ghost” is a symbolic archetype around the world! It shows us how it has become a powerful, pervasive and deep-rooted part of the human psyche. The apparent afterlife for spirits has been a topic for centuries. Communicating with ghosts has been a long standing interest for many. It used to be called necromancy and was once considered to be part of the Black Arts. Today, it is called Spiritualism and not so taboo, thanks in part to the famous spiritist, Allan Kardec. It is the universal need to believe in a form of consciousness that exists after the physical death of the body. In dreams, when we see a ghost it often represents something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It is a feeling of being disconnected from society or even life. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your old belief system or old way of thinking.

To dream that you turn into a ghost implies that you are desperate to escape from a situation. If you see your own ghost in your dream, it symbolizes aspects of yourself that you are fearful of. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. You may be fearful of death. Seeing the ghost of a living relative or friend in your dream signifies that you are in danger of a bad act by that person. If you dream that you reach out to touch a ghost, but it disappears can indicate that you are taking steps to acknowledging a painful or repressed thought even though you are not ready to fully confront them. But, if that ghost is trying to kill you, it represents that you are ready to confront your past and your repressed emotions, despite how painful it may be. You are ready to move forward with your life and leave the past behind. If a ghost is choking you in your dream, then it means that some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself. Seeing the ghost of a dead friend or relative in your dream suggests guilt and regrets concerning the past relationships with that particular person.

Ghost Town

To dream that you are in a ghost town suggests that you are feeling rejected by society. You may be isolating yourself from others. Alternatively, the dream means that you are living in the past and clinging onto memories. It is time to let go and live in the present times.


The mythology and legends of many different cultures include monsters of human appearance but prodigious size and strength. “Giant” is the English word (coined 1297) commonly used for such beings, derived from one of the most famed examples, the Gigantes of Greek mythology. In various Indo-European mythologies, gigantic peoples are featured as primeval creatures associated with chaos and the wild nature, and they are frequently in conflict with the Gods, be they Olympian, Nartian, Hindu or Norse. To see a giant in your dream indicates a great struggle between you and your opponents. You are trying to overcome an overwhelming obstacle. There are also accounts of giants in the Old Testament, most famously Goliath. Attributed to them are extraordinary strength and physical proportions. Therefore, a giant in your dreams can also symbolize an issue, a person or a feeling that is dominating you. You are having an inferiority complex. Fairy tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk have formed our modern perception of giants as stupid and violent monsters, sometimes said to eat humans, especially children. Therefore, to dream that you turn into a giant indicates feelings of inferiority.


These gentle giants represent the life we aspire to. The long neck of this animal represents the bridge between two worlds. It is the ability to see beyond, the expression through body language and far reaching communication. Dreams of a giraffe represent the balance between sky and earth. They make us aware of what we choose to say and how we choose to take other’s opinions. Giraffes have strong relationships and inner perception. This animal could be telling you something. Are you becoming complacent or loosing track of your goals? Are you setting your sights ahead for the future?


Considered one of the seven magic metals, gold is considered one of the most precious metals of all, with the greatest value on earth! Great human achievements are frequently rewarded with gold, in the form of gold medals, golden trophies and other decorations. Winners of athletic events and other graded competitions are usually awarded a gold medal. Aristotle in his ethics used gold symbolism when referring to what is now commonly known as the golden mean. Similarly, gold is associated with perfect or divine principles, such as in the case of the golden ratio and the golden rule. Gold is further associated with the wisdom of aging and fruition. The fiftieth wedding anniversary is golden. Our precious latter years are sometimes considered “golden years”. The height of a civilization is referred to as a “golden age”.

In some forms of Christianity and Judaism, gold has been associated both with holiness and evil. In the Book of Exodus, the Golden Calf is a symbol of idolatry, while in the Book of Genesis, Abraham was said to be rich in gold and silver, and Moses was instructed to cover the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant with pure gold. In Byzantine iconography the halos of Christ, Mary and the Christian saints are often golden. Medieval kings were inaugurated under the signs of sacred oil and a golden crown, the latter symbolizing the eternal shining light of heaven and thus a Christian king’s divinely inspired authority. Gold was used by alchemists to make the Tincture Of The Sun. It is ruled by the Sun and its astrological house is Leo and its nature is male. The symbol for gold is Au from the latin aurum meaning shining dawn. It is associated with wisdom, common sense, longevity, comfort and money spells. Use gold amulets for depression, comforting and strengthening the heart, wealth, protection, and healing. It represents prosperity, hope, worldly and magical powers. Wear gold jewelry to improve self-confidence and inner strength. (See also, gold).

Golden Ratio :(see Symbols)

Any symbol in a dream, must be looked at within the context of that dream. As symbols have many different meanings, it is best to discern how to interpret your dream by trying to understanding the connection between the symbol and it’s dream meaning. The Golden Ratio has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work. The universe is created by thought consciousness, which manifests in physical reality through a geometric blueprint. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry, for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. (see the Sacred Geometry).

The Golden Ratio is 1.61803398875. This ratio was named the golden ratio by the Greeks. In the world of mathematics, the numeric value is called phi, named for the Greek sculptor Phidias. The space between the columns form golden rectangles. There are golden rectangles throughout the Parthenon, which is found in Athens, Greece. The Great Pyramid of Giza is believed to be 4,600 years old, which was long before the Greeks. Its dimensions are also based on the Golden Ratio. Many artists who lived after Phidias have used this proportion. Leonardo Da Vinci called it the divine proportion and featured it in many of his works including the Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man. The Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics. That ratio plays a role in human perception of beauty.


As a general rule grandparents are a symbol of love, security, protection, home and strength from the past. If you dream of searching for your grandparents you are really searching for love and protection. Dreams of a grandparent is a reaching out to the past. It represents values we may have forgotten or strive to keep. How are they represented in your dream? Are they good with you? Are they reprimanding you?


Green grass always represents success, while dead or burnt grass means failure. Planting grass and helping it grow, shows how you nurture financial success brought about by your own effort and hard work. Planting grass represents the start of new ideas and the desire to provide financial gains. This is usually over a long period of time. Dreams of rolling in the grass is an expression of feeling wealthy. Not necessarily financial wealth but the wealth that matters most, joy, happiness and a prosperous spirit. Dreams of a well-kept and manicured lawn show you an organized life while unkept lawns and overgrown grass represent the lack of attention you are giving to something important. Perhaps you need to “cut back” on one thing and bring your focus and attention some place where it is needed.

Green Man

The Celtic Green Man, is an important vegetation and fertility God. This archetypical earth spirit of nature is often depicted as a face, covered in green oak leaves. Associated with Spring fertility, he is seen throughout Europe as a symbol of spring rain and to also protect people against evil. Dating back as far as 300 BC, where a stonework face was carved into an Irish obelisk, he is often referred to as the “man in the trees”. You might also know him as the Green man or GreenMan. In author Robert Graves’ book, The White Goddess, he proposed that the mythological figure of the Holly King represents one half of the year, while the other is personified by his counterpart (twin?) and adversary the Oak King.

The two battle endlessly as the seasons turn. The Oak King is the Lord of green woods, ruler presiding over the waxing (rebirth) year. A younger, virile twin to the Holly King, ruler presiding over the waning (degenerative) year. The two are dual aspects of the Horned God battling for the favor of the Goddess. At Midsummer the Oak King is at the height of his strength, while the Holly King is at his weakest. The Holly King begins to regain his power, and at the Autumn Equinox, the tables finally turn in the Holly King’s favor; his strength peaks at Midwinter. The Holly King is represented by holly and other evergreens and personifies the dark half of the Wheel of the Year. While the Oak King is represented by the oak and tree lore and personifies the light half of the Wheel of the Year.


This is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle’s talons as its front feet. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. The griffin was also thought of as King of the Creatures. Griffins are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions. While griffins are most common in the art and lore of Ancient Greece, there is evidence of representations of griffins in Ancient Persian and Ancient Egyptian art as far back as 3,300 BC. In legend, griffins not only mated for life, but if either partner died, then the other would continue the rest of its life alone, never to search for a new mate. The griffin was therefore made an emblem of the Church’s views on remarriage. In fact, in heraldry, it is often portrayed guarding the Gods.

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