Benefits of an Orris Root Facial

Benefits of an Orris Root Facial

by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. ~ Oriss root is a sweet and floral rhizoma with a slight woodsy scent. This has purifying, cleansing, and moisturizing properties. It is a wonderful, overall treatment for nourishing the skin, purifying the blood, and...
Celebrating Mabon

Celebrating Mabon

This is also the Autumn Equinox. This is the time of the completion of the harvest started at Lammas. Day and night are equal once more as the God prepares to travel toward renewal and rebirth from the Goddess. Mabon, a Welsh son of the Divine Mother, was captured as...
Top 10 Crystals for Feng Shui

Top 10 Crystals for Feng Shui

by Andrew pacholyk, MS L.Ac ~ Feng Shui and gemstones go hand in hand. Crystals are a very popular feng shui cure since their natural energies can be used to gently protect, clear and nourish energies within our environment. Crystals for feng shui...
Change and the Full Blood Moon

Change and the Full Blood Moon

by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~ Occurring on the Full Moon, around 12:12 a.m. EST on January 21st. This “triple threat” will be a metaphysical feast to behold. The first part of this is the supermoon. A Supermoon is defined as a new or full moon which...
A Checklist for Forgiveness

A Checklist for Forgiveness

(an excerpt from, Lead Us To A Place ~ your spiritual journey through life’s seasons – Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac) “Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another”. It is our choice to learn to let go of a past wrong and it is our choice to no longer...
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