by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~

With the change of seasons from Winter to Spring, we need to change our supplies in our medicine cabinet:

Astragalus : restoring both resilience and immunity and efficiency of metabolism. Restores energy to the body very quickly.

Burdock Root: helps to purify blood and restores the liver by reducing build up of toxins in the skin and helps gallbladder function and immunity.

Dandelion Root: is an excellent tonic for the liver and blood purifier. High in vitamins and minerals, its best for a variety of liver and gallbladder problems.

Echinacea :is used in the treatment of infectious wounds and burns or eruptive skin complaints. Helpful in retiring bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Garlic is an antibiotic that can actually kill infecting bacteria and at the same time protect the body from the poisons that are causing the infection.

Marshmallow Root : stimulates the immune system and the production of white blood cells. It soothes inflammation, slows production of mucus, reducing blood sugar levels.

Milk Thistle: is the best in cleaning our blood and liver. It helps to prevent a host of problems our bodies can acquire from internal and external toxic overload.

Nettle: Nettles are invaluable as a food, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent remedy for anemia, their vitamin C content ensures that the iron they contain is properly absorbed. Nettles increase the quality of the blood helping to give a healthy glow to the skin.

Yellow Dock: is useful for relieving a congested liver, as well as for scrofulous skin diseases. It can be freely used as a blood tonic and mild laxative.

Find the bloom of Spring

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