
Properties: This stone is a kiss of sunshine, crystallized. Honors the God, brings good luck and fortune. Energizes and empowers one’s self. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Sunstone is used for protection, life force, and grounding. Sunstone is a great stone to use with “energy vampires”, or those who drain your energy from you. This includes parents, children, lovers, patients, bosses or anyone who is possessive, aggressive or overbearing.

Sunstone breaks these bonds and allows light, separation and clarity from these energies. This stone clears and brightens both the entire Chakra and unbound the Aura. Sunstone does great justice when placed on our power center or Solar Plexus Chakra. Sunstone is a great stone to relieve stress and overcome fear. This stone is so brilliant that it can bring optimism, happiness and joy to anyone! Use this stone to help bring awareness to your spiritual realm and encourage the priorities of life. This is one of my favorite stones for depression. A good stone to strengthen the psyche as it promotes cheerfulness, good humor and a benevolent temper.

Folk Remedies: Sunstone has been used for centuries for the health of the throat, feet, bones, cartilage and spine. It is used for ulcers, body odor, food poisoning and rheumatism. Since it has such a great affect on both the Chakra energies and the aura, it is used to regulate the autonomic nervous system. This stone invigorates the diaphragm and heart and improves circulation. This stone has been used in ancient Greece for depression. Use this stone for gridding around the physical body to help with the above issues. Use also as an elixir or a gem essence.

Feng Shui: Sunstone can be used in the Center for spirituality, good health, balance and stability. Use it in the Northeast for self cultivation and in the North for your own personal journeys.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8 (loves the sun!)

History: Sunstone is considered an Oligoclase Na(AlSi3O8) + Fe, a variety of feldspar with gold-orange metallic sheen created from the inclusions of Goethite and hematite. Allow though most notably known for its sunny orange yellow color, there is a green version of this stone known as aventurine feldspar from the quartz family. This triclinic crystal has been a symbol of healing through centuries. It most notably found in India and used in sun healing rituals as it was also used in ancient Greece for depression and for treatments of gout with sunstone water. Sunstone was dedicated to the sun god Helios because of its amazing gold sparkle. This belief was further perpetuated by its people who thought this stone kept the sun on course and protected the earth from disaster. It was also a stone offered for protection from “evil spirits” by the Native American Indians.

For Lifting the Spirits

Sunstone breaks the bonds of depression and allows light, separation and clarity from negative energies.

This stone clears and brightens both the entire Chakra and unbounds the Aura. Sunstone does great justice when placed on our power center or Solar Plexus Chakra. Sunstone is a great stone to relieve stress and overcome fear.

This stone is so brilliant that it can bring optimism, happiness and joy to anyone! Use this stone to help bring awareness to your spiritual realm and encourage the priorities of life.


Angels: Sandalphon, Jophiel
Associated Crystal: Oligoclase feldspar family
Birthstone: August
Color: Yellow, Orange
Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
Element: Fire
Flowers: Sunflowers, marigolds, dandelions, morning glories
Gods/Goddesses: Sol, Sulas, Solaris
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Sabbat: Beltane, Litha
Tarot: The Sun

Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a Yoga practice incorporating a sequence of gracefully linked asanas. The nomenclature refers to the symbolism of Sun as the soul and the source of all life.  

Improves Circulation: Poor circulation is the cause of over 1000 diseases! From a healthy heart to a good sex life, the proper flow and circulation of blood in our arteries is one of the most important things we can do to maintain good health and push back the aging process.

Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Sunstone

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8 (loves the sun!)

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

icons-ailment  Find crystals associated with healing pain and emotional trauma. Click here

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icons-color Crystals categorized and classified by their colors. Click here

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icons-emotions  Crystals associated with anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief, fear, and shock (fright). Click here

icons-holiday Crystals can be used to create intention, encourage change or decorate for any holiday!  Click here

icons-names  Gemstones can be known by their scientific name, common name or nickname. Click here

icons-quiz  What crystals are right for you? Take the crystal quiz. Click here

icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here

icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here

icons-zodiac Crystals and birthstones. Find essential stones for Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer *Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio * Sagittarius *Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces  Click here

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