Space Stones

These visitors from outer space, have been coming for centuries! These are a natural object originating in outer space that survives impact with the Earth’s surface. Most meteorites derive from small astronomical objects called meteoroids, but are also produced by impacts of asteroids. Meteorites that are recovered after being observed as they fall to Earth are called falls. There are approximately 1,200 witnessed falls showing up as specimens in the world’s collections. All other meteorites are known as finds.

Meteorites, moldavite, peridot, tektite, Libyan desert glass and black diamonds are all gemstones that come from outer space. Metaphysically, a reasonable way to approach this stone is to try and tune into its energy on an intuitive level and decide whether or not it would play a good role in your life. (This is a good rule for all stones or gems of the Earth as well).


Meteorites are usually a solid, dull, mottled, brownish to black stone. The Non-iron varieties help with, greater awareness and are believed to possibly have some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd/unusual energy, best used by those drawn to them. The meteorites that have iron in them are actually attracted to magnets. Additionally, magnetic meteorites attract and repel energies and are use for sedation. It acts as a grounding stone. because of it magnetic charge, it may temporarily align the Chakra, as well as stimulate the the subtle auric and etheric bodies.


Moldavite is a great stone for bringing great change in short periods of time. This stone is used for accessing the higher self working as a catalyst for the inner evolving spirit. It is used to align yourself with the power of the divine. Its divining spiritual nature is believed to come from it extraterrestrial roots. Consider moldavite when you want to bring mental balance, introduce yourself to new experiences and opening your mind. First use this stone over the Heart Chakra, as it will facilitate the pure intentions of the heart and heart center. Bring the stone up to the Brow or Third Eye Chakra when accessing your intuition, psychic insight.


Tektite is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, is created from the meteoric impact with the earth. The heat is so intense that both the meteorite and the earth’s surface melt on impact. As this mixture of space material and earth material cool together, this unbelievable crystal is created! Tektite assists one in attaining knowledge, abundance, reasoning and learning lessons throughout the travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine (Yin Energy / Yang Energy), provides insight, strengthens one’s energy field.


Properties: Meteorites are usually a solid, dull, mottled, brownish to black stone. The Non-iron varieties help with, greater awareness and are believed to possibly have some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd/unusual energy, best used by those drawn to them. Some believe that since meteorites are in tune with the energies of the cosmos, they are therefore more capable of raising our energies to a Universal level. Others believe that that since they have no connection to Earth, meteorites can in no way influence our lives. Perhaps a reasonable way to approach this stone is to try and tune into its energy on an intuitive level and decide whether or not it would play a good role in your life. (This is a good rule for all stones or gems of the Earth as well).

The meteorites that have iron in them are actually attracted to magnets. Additionally, magnetic meteorites attract and repel energies and are use for sedation. It acts as a grounding stone. because of it magnetic charge, it may temporarily align the Chakra, as well as stimulate the the subtle auric and etheric bodies. It assists in telepathy, meditation and visualization. They can provide stability and balance including balancing the intellect and our emotion state. It brings a balanced perspective and trust in your own intuition. Try using it to alleviate negativity such as fear, anger and grief. Itbbrings positive qualities such as tenacity and endurance.

Folk Remedies: The meteorite with iron can increase blood flow and circulation and this is how it can help speed up the healing process and alleviate pain. The human body contain a magnetic charge that is essential for it to function. Meteorites with iron are very good for arthritis and joint pain. They can also be directly bandaged onto an affected area or onto acupressure points.

Feng Shui: Used in the Skills and Knowledge area for gathering wisdom, in the Career area for stability and balance and in the area for Helpful People and Travel.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8

History: Meteorites are a natural object originating in outer space that survives impact with the Earth’s surface. Most meteorites derive from small astronomical objects called meteoroids, but are also produced by impacts of asteroids. Meteorites that are recovered after being observed as they fall to Earth are called falls. There are approximately 1,200 witnessed falls showing up as specimens in the world’s collections. All other meteorites are known as finds. There are over 39,000 documented meteorite finds. Meteorite classifications are divided into groups according to their structure, chemical, isotopic composition and mineralogy. Traditionally, they are divided into three categories: stony meteorites (or rocks), are mainly composed of silicate minerals; iron meteorites are composed of metallic iron-nickel; and, stony-iron meteorites contain both metallic and rocky material. Most meteorites are stony meteorites, classed as chondrites (about 86% of the meteorites that fall on Earth are chondrites) AND achondrites (about 8% of the meteorites that fall on Earth are achondrites). The rarest are stony-iron meteorites, (only 6% of meteorites are stony-iron meteorites). Meteorites are always named for the places they were found.

Throughout the centuries, meteors were seen as sacred objects by different cultures and civilizations. Spectacular meteorite showers and falls of meteorites have always captured the human imagination, creating fear and inspiration in everyone who has witnesses these event. Captured in records by the Chinese astronomers over 3,000 years ago, meteorites have shown up throughout history in paintings, drawn into ancient stone and as astrological omens, signs or prophecies. Recent theories have come to light that the Star of Bethlehem may have even been a meteorite (or comet).

Some of the most famous meteorites include The Hoba meteorite, the largest meteorite ever found. It still lies where it was found in 1920 at Hoba Farm, near Grootfontein in Namibia. The Sikhote-Alin meteorite fell in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains approximately 400 km from Vladivostock on the morning of February 12, 1947. The Orgueil meteorite landed near Orgueil in southern France on May the 14th 1864. This meteorite was classified as carbonaceous chondrite and it is the largest of only seven meteorites on that type ever found.

Campo del Cielo, which means, Field of the Sky, meteorites were first reported there in 1576. Carbon dating of charcoal wood fragments taken from beneath the meteorite, indicated it fell to earth around 2,200 BC. The crater field is 2 miles wide by 12 miles long with 26 craters. These meteorites hit the earth’s atmosphere traveling up to 150,000 miles per hour, landing in the Chaco Province of northern Argentina. These particular meteorites are composed of 93% iron, 6% nickel, 0.5% cobalt with trace minerals of phosphorus, iridum, gallium and germanium.

The Tunguska event, or Tunguska blast was an enormous explosion that occurred near the Tunguska River in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, June 30, 1908.The explosion is believed to have been caused by the exploding burst of a large meteoroid or comet 3-6 miles above the Earth’s surface.

Some of the most famous craters caused by meteorites include Barringer Meteor Crater, Odessa Meteor Crater, Wabar craters, and Wolfe Creek crater; iron meteorites are found in association with all of these craters. Currently, there are 170 known craters all over the Earth according to the University of New Brunswick, that is constantly maintaining and updating its database.


Properties: Moldavite is a great stone for bringing great change in short periods of time. This stone is used for accessing the higher self working as a catalyst for the inner evolving spirit. It is used to align yourself with the power of the divine. Its divining spiritual nature is believed to come from it extraterrestrial roots. Consider moldavite when you want to bring mental balance, introduce yourself to new experiences and opening your mind. First use this stone over the Heart Chakra, as it will facilitate the pure intentions of the heart and heart center. Bring the stone up to the Brow or Third Eye Chakra when accessing your intuition, psychic insight and stimulation of the pineal gland as it powerfully expands psychic channeling. Finally, use this stone on the Crown Chakra for facilitating altered mind states such as deepening meditation, accessing dreams and assisting in hypnosis. This stone is useful for those who are clairsentience. This form of extra-sensory perception acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of feeling or touch. Moldavite assists in telepathic access to spiritual laws. It allows for info from higher regions/places to help us and earth to be a healthier and more spiritual person/place. This intense meteorite has been used in helping people incarnating from elsewhere, to be more comfortable here on earth. Note: Moldavite may make some too spacey; be sure to ground yourself after use with a crystal such as hematite. Works well with clear quartz to help understand the information you access from moldavite.

Folk Remedies: This stone has been used over the centuries for reducing asthma, clearing toxin sensitivity, coping with emotional intensity such as anger, grief and fear as well as helping with epilepsy. It therefore assists in bringing those who are emotionally blocked to look at feelings they may not be expressing.

Feng Shui: Moldavite is used primarily anywhere to help bring change and/or balance. Consider using this stone in the Center for balance, health and grounding.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone should be gently cleansed under luke warm water after excessive use. This stone should not be placed in salt water. Use method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8

History: Moldavite was formed 15 million years ago during the impact of a giant meteorite in present-day Nordlinger Ries. This greenish to brown-green variety of tektite was created with the heat of impact. It is believed that the meteorite melted with the earth’s surface creating a combination of extraterrestrial matter with that of mother earth! Some splattering of rock was believed to melt by the impact with earth’s atmospheric surface temperature and cooled while they were actually airborne. This rare stone is found in the Czech Republic, Germany, Moldova and Bohemia. It was named by A. Dufrnoy. The total amount of Moldavite scattered around the world is estimated at 275 tons. There are now only four moldavite mines that are in full operation in the Czech Republic. It is predicted that in less than ten years from now commercial Moldavite mining will come to an end. After this time, there will be virtually no appreciable amount of gem-grade Moldavite left in the ground.


Properties: Tektite is a type of natural glass, chemically and structurally unique, is created from the meteoric impact with the earth. The heat is so intense that both the meteorite and the earth’s surface melt on impact. As this mixture of space material and earth material cool together, this unbelievable crystal is created!

Tektite assists one in attaining knowledge, abundance, reasoning and learning lessons throughout the travels of life. Balances the feminine/masculine (Yin/Yang), provides insight, strengthens one’s energy field. Can stimulate thought transmissions. Use this for astral travel, meditation and mental communication, especially with our higher, spiritual self. This stone promotes deep insight into ourselves and helps us to grow spiritually. Tektite is used on all the Chakra points, balancing each area in a different way and bringing about the best from each energy center! As it can strengthen a person’s bio-sheath, it makes an excellent stone for cleansing the Aura.

Folk Remedies: Tektite has been used to reduce fever, stimulate oxygenation of blood and improve circulation and flow. It is one of the best stones for infertility and was believed to be used for psychic surgery.

Feng Shui: Use in the Center area for balance, Northeast for self cultivation, Southwest for fertility or any direction for creating change.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone should not be placed in salt water. Use method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8

History: Tektites are found on earth within a narrow equatorial belt 80 degrees wide. They have been found in Thailand, Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Tektites usually have a heavily pitted surface. Many have the appearance of being stretched while in a molten state. They appear black, but when held up to the light, you can sometimes see a golden tint in translucent areas around the edges.

For Coming Together

Although each stone in this group has their own unique healing and metaphysical properties, the one lesson these stones can teach us is how to come together in awareness, love and community.  These stones are wonderful for a group meditation or gathering.

They clear negative patterns from the emotional body and assist in clearing all forms of anger and confusion within relationships. space stones can shed light on the karmic aspects of relationships with others in your life.

These stones that have fallen to earth are grounding especially during times of upheaval in our lives. Considered “guardian stones“, they embody the elemental powers of water, fire, air and earth, molding together material from all aspects of our life.


Angels: Guardian Angel
Associated Crystal: quartz family, sedimentary rock
Color: mixed
Chakra: Root Chakra
Element: Earth, Fire, Air, Water
Oils: Basil, Patchouli, Sage, Tea Tree
Gods/Goddesses: Cybele, Dione, Gaia, Pele, Pheonix,
Planet: Earth
Sabbat: Samhain
Tarot: The World

Group Meditation

A grouping of crystals such as a conglomerate of stones or cluster of crystals bring a “group” energy to it’s surrounding area. These stones are great to foster protection, cooperation, purification, harmony, friendship, intimacy and to break up negative energy in the environment.

A group meditation is a wonderful tool for streaming one thought or “one consciousness”.  It is usually a purpose driven or one intention meditation geared toward a single purpose for a desired outcome.  You can sometimes experience this at the end of a meditation class or yoga class. This can also be experienced in a prayer group or even before a game or performance!

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Cleansing & Charging Space Stones

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 8  (caution should be taken with moldavite ~ as these can easily sheer apart)

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

icons-ailment  Find crystals associated with healing pain and emotional trauma. Click here
icons-ayurveda  Discover crystals for doshas and health  Click here
icons-chakra  Learn about the right crystals for each Chakra centers, Click here
icons-color Crystals categorized and classified by their colors. Click here
icons-elements  Discover crystals for air, earth, fire, water, metal, wood, ether. Click here
icons-emotions  Crystals associated with anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief, fear, and shock (fright). Click here
icons-holiday Crystals can be used to create intention, encourage change or decorate for any holiday!  Click here
icons-names  Gemstones can be known by their scientific name, common name or nickname. Click here
icons-quiz  What crystals are right for you? Take the crystal quiz. Click here
icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here
icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here
icons-zodiac Crystals and birthstones. Find essential stones for Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer *Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio * Sagittarius *Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces  Click here
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