
Properties: Barite (BaSO4) OR Baryte (as its now been reclassified) is a well-known mineral used in industry and is found in a large range of colors and crystal formations. This mineral is rich in barium. Barium is a chemical element with symbol Ba and atomic number 56. It is the fifth element in Group 2. With barite, the mind/body connection is made even stronger as well as assists in healing when it is utilized for its colors. The white or colorless mineral stimulates the entire Chakra energies due to its mineral makeup.

This mineral consists of barium sulfate. The baryte group consists of barite, celestine, anglesite and anhydrite. Barite is generally white or colorless, and is the main source of barium. Baryte and celestine form a solid solution (Ba,Sr)SO4. Barite is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual plane. In dream therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state, allowing one to remember their dreams.

Barite has a very strong effect on and is beneficial to the psyche. It is used to assist in psychological issues, particularly obsessive-compulsive behavior, neurosis as well as agoraphobia and obsessive cleaning. With barite, the mind/body connection is made even stronger as well as assists in healing when it is utilized for its colors. The white or colorless mineral stimulates the entire Chakra energies due to its mineral makeup.

Folk Remedies: On a physical level, Barite is used to cleanse the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions. In the 20th century scientists discovered that barite (barium) could protect against dangerous x-rays, radioactivity and ultraviolet radiation. Barite’s protective properties helps those working around computers and those working around low levels of radiation. It is used to reduce the level of skin damage. Therefore, it is useful for treating sunburn. Barite water is used to treat scaly, irritated and inflamed skin. Therefore, it is very useful for acne, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Another wonderful folk remedy is using barite water to treat fungal infection. Use barite to augment the energy of other stones.

Special note: Barite TOPICAL water can be made by placing this stone in 4 cups of water and placing it in the sun for 48 hours. Strain the concoction into a clean glass with a stopper or cover. Apply this water TOPICALLY ONLY to skin inflammation, dermatitis, acne, fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis and sunburn. NOT for drinking.

Feng Shui: Use in the Center area for health and balance, in the Prosperity corner for balancing your thoughts about money and in the Career area for strengthening your resolve. Add two barite roses to your Relationship corner.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone is self regulating and does not need recharging. To clean, use method 1,2 and 5 – 8

History: Barite (BaSO4) OR Baryte (as it has now been re-classified) is a well-known mineral used in industry and is found in a large range of colors and crystal formations.  Barite commonly occurs in large numbers of deposits found in the zinc-lead veins in limestone, within hematite ore and hot spring deposits. It is also found alongside meteorites. Barite often metamorphosis into other minerals, replacing organic materials such as fossils, shells and even wood. Barite is widely used in the manufacturing of paints and coatings.


Anglesite (PbSO4) occurs as prismatic orthorhombic crystals. Along with cerussite, anglesite is the most common secondary lead/sulphur mineral in the Baryte group. This stone connects with the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra, It has an affinity towards psychic communication through celestial planes and brings spiritual awareness through stillness and calm. It’s high vibration helps us to understand dreams and bring them into the physical world. Learn more about this lead/sulphur divergent.


Anhydrite (CaSO4) meaning, “without water”, or anhydrite gypsum, is a white mineral consisting of anhydrous calcium sulfate. It is used in the manufacturing of cement, fertilizers and chemicals. This colorless or grayish-white mineral is found in sedimentary rocks. The white or clearer this stone, the more association it has to the spiritual realm. It helps us find information that “rings” true. It is most closely related to gypsum and is found among halite. The Blue Anhydrite version, is called Angelite.


This is blue anhydrite, (CaSO4). This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. It is most associated with the Angelic Realm. Its celestial blue color is sometimes spotted with white specs, giving it a very heavenly sky with precious clouds.


Celestite (SrSO4) – the blue variety of Barite, has an affinity to both the Throat Chakra,  is used to stimulate conversation, as well as to give the courage needed to speak in front of large crowds. This sky blue colored cluster of crystals, made of orthorhombic structure, is a beautiful, shimmering stone that has connection to the sky, the heavens, angels and our intuition. Celestine or Celestite derives its name from the Latin word “caelestis” meaning celestial, which in turn is derived from the Latin word “caelum” meaning sky or heaven.

Barite Rose

These very unique stone is an aggregate of barite (barium sulfate) crystals and sand whose iron content gives it a reddish hue. The barite crystals form a circular array of flat plates, giving the rock a shape similar to a rose blossom. Rose rocks appear either as a single rose bloom or as clusters of blooms. The rose rock was selected as the official state rock of Oklahoma in 1968.

These stones are more rare than diamonds due to the fact they only formed in a small area 250 million years ago from a sea eroding barite deposits. American Indian legend tells that spirits of Indian warriors returned to carve the Barite rose. It provides a strong and delicate connection to the spirit world, and assists one on the path toward the journey and the goal. It can help relax the nervous system. In addition to the dream and spiritual journeying, they offer a good solution for relationship loyalty, addiction, and cleansing.

With Peace & Serenity

Barite brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect the psyche and psychological issues, particularly obsessive-compulsive behavior, neurosis as well as agoraphobia and obsessive cleaning.

Barite is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual plane. In dream therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state, allowing one to remember their dreams.


Angels: Metatron
Associated Crystal: barite family
Color: White/Colorless, Blue, varied
Chakra: Color dependent
Element: Air, Ether
Flowers: Chrysanthemum, lilies, daisies, desert poppy, blue poppy, celestines
Gods/Goddesses: Buddha, Dionysus, Bacchus, Diana, Artemis
Planet: Pluto
Sabbat: Mabon, Samhain

Barite Meditation

A conscientious group stone, try working with a raw cluster of barite or any of its variations (barite rose, celestite, anglesite or angelite)

Honor your highest spiritual hopes by bringing this stone in front of yourself or a group of people. Choose to use this stone to meditation on a higher power and bring into your concsious mind, the thoughts of Universal energy, humility and selflessness…..  With barite, the mind/body connection is made even stronger as well as assists in healing when it is utilized for its colors.

Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Barite

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1,2 and method 5 – 8

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

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icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here

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