(excerpt from Andrew’s new book, Lead Us To A Place ~ your spiritual journey through life’s seasons)

Creating a “money honey jar” also known as the “Mason Jar Money Method” is easy to start, even if you’re broke. All you need is a mason jar or similar jar and a few bucks.

The basic plan starts with just $1 on the first week and you can ease your way into saving big bucks. For each week of the plan, you save an extra dollar.

You can label your jar, tie ribbon around it, spruce it up with stickers or symbols, but give it an intention. For example “my intention for this jar is to save money for the… “holidays”, “school”, ”mom”….whatever the intention, make sure you have a purpose.

Week 1=$1. Week 2=$2. Week 3=$3..and so on. Of course, by the end of the plan you’ll be putting away $52 in one week, but you’ll have weeks of time to lead up to the biggest saves, which takes the sting out of saving those extra bucks each week!

The good thing about this plan is that you know in advance, how much you need to put away for the week. This mentally prepares you to plan each week and motivates you to prepare the money for your jar!

Best of all, when you’re finished, you’ll have well over $1,300 in the jar to spend on something special – a vacation, holiday travel or that emergency fund you know you should have but haven’t started!

If you’ve missed starting your Mason Jar of Money on January 1, no problem! You can either play catch-up (do you have an extra $1 or 2 lying around?) or find another holiday or milestone to save towards. Start today!


Oh will of power, money come, to draw the most, a total sum, to keep me happy and fulfilled, but not too greedy to rebuild, the confidence and focus lost, to bring abundance at no cost.” ~Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

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