by Andrew Pacholyk MS. L.Ac ~

Herbs Associated with Luck

To change a streak of bad luck and attract good luck into your life, fill a jar with any combination of the following magically (inspired) herbs:

Buckthorn Bark
Huckleberry Leaves
Irish Moss
Job’s Tears
High John the Conqueror
Lucky Hand root
Mojo Wish Bean
Peony Root
Queen of the Meadow
Rose Hips
Sacred Bark
Star Anise

Seal the jar tightly and keep it in your kitchen on a shelf or on a window sill. Place your hands upon the jar each morning after you wake up and say:

“Of nature’s sweet and greatest gifts,
I bring about a major shift,
to bless me, keep me, bring me luck,
from herbs and petals that I’ve plucked.
I shake this jar, then give a kiss,
to bring awareness to my wish.”
After reciting the incantation, gentle shake the jar a few times and then kiss it before putting it back.

Essential Oils for Good Luck

First and foremost, it is essential that you “state your intention”. Be specific. The following are different ways of using the essential oils for luck:

– Anoint crystals, charms, talisman or amulets that you use to manifest money.

– Anoint a green candle and burn it. Ask for luck, prosperity and good fortune in your home and business.

– Anoint lottery tickets.

– Place a drop of oil inside your wallet to draw in more money while imagining your wallet filling up with more bills.

– Anoint money as you spend it, to encourage its return.

– Anoint your pay check to help increase it and bring promotions.

The ways to use these oils and herbs for good luck are only limited by your imagination. Consider the following:

Basil – Invigorates the body, spirit, helps refresh the mind. Also used for prosperity in business.

Bayberry – Brings money to the pockets and blessings to the home.

Blackberry – Apply to all seals, talismans, charms, jewelru and candles for good luck.

Bergamot – Brings success and more money.

Cedarwood – In your wallet will draw money and prosperity to you.

Chamomile – Attracts good luck and money

Cinnamon – Used for good luck, money drawing, love

Ginger – Sprinkle it wherever you want money to come to you as it increases bio-electric energy. It is used for prosperity, wealth and abundance.

Hyacinth – Attracts love and luck when used in the bath water daily

Patchouli – Is associated with all the abundance and prosperity that the nature has to offer.

Pine – A cleansing, purifying scent herb and essential oil, use in the bath to banish past mistakes. Helps one start over.

Vanilla – Brings happiness to your surroundings and encourages good fortune.

Bring more luck into your life…

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