by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~

Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. The geometry used in the design and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, and tabernacles has sometimes been considered sacred. The concept applies also to sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens and holy wells, and the creation of religious art.

The following shapes and colors have a Universal meaning, yet in almost every religion, culture and part of the world, they have their own specific meaning to go along side these definitions.

These shapes are Universally recognized and play a part of our subconscious mind in one way or another. Place candles in these configurations with motivation and your true intention, in order to help you achieve your goals. You can place candles in these shapes on the floor and meditate within them, as well.

Circle: An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, the goddess, and female power. A romantic attachment or deep friendship and a sacred space. The circle symbolizes the sacred and spiritual including the “sacred” earth.

Diamond: Because of its perfect symmetry, the diamond vibrates toward harmony. This makes it an excellent shape for meditation gardens or those used for culinary purposes. As this shape also vibrates toward the solidity of Earth, it?s a good bet for magical gardens involving prosperity and abundance, and issues of the family, home, and hearth.

Hearts: generally, hearts represent love, but may also indicate a romantic disposition. True love, happiness, financial gain, lasting love, and love for others.

Octagon: Eight denotes the intermediary region between earth and heaven or, microcosm, between body and spirit; and the octagon is a symbol of the “best” part of psychic substance that is the vehicle of spiritual light. The octagon expresses the nearness to heaven of the psychic elements in question, and by being almost circular in form it expresses their all but spiritual nature.

Oval: This voluptuous and feminine shape not only represents completeness, but is also a symbol of the infinite. It conjures up the idea of wisdom and the power of longevity and for all eternity.

Rectangle: The rectangle symbolizes the female form. Intelligence; Protector; Divine contemplation. The rectangle also symbolizes the equilibrium of the fourfold forces.

Square: The square represents the physical world. Like the quartered circle, it points pagans to the four compass directions: north, east, south and west.

Star: are drawn by ambitious people and may suggest a desire for self-promotion. Little stars indicate optimism, while asymmetrical stars suggest excess energy. A sign of hope, love, joy and prosperity, protection against fires, good fortune, hope, love, fertility, energy and harmony

Triangle : Associated with the number three. Pointing upwards, it symbolizes fire, male power, good luck; Pointing down, it symbolizes water, female sexuality, goddess, religions, take care.

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