Number 11

The Number Eleven (11= 2): represents spiritual truth and communication.People with a number eleven in their charts are often highly intuitive and have a great message to share with the world. However, they may never be heard unless they can overcome their impulsive...

12th House

Astrological House of Pisces – Prison Your astrological birth chart is divided into twelve areas called houses. They are numbered from the left side counterclockwise around the chart. The chart represents the planets against a background of the signs of the...


Moon  The Moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods, and their ability to react and adapt to those around them. It is also associated with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the...

Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra  Location: Middle of the forehead Color: Indigo Element: Light Musical Keynote: A (vocalized “ee”) Associated Glands: Pituitary *Controls the endocrine system, the left brain hemisphere, the left eye, nose, ears, sinuses, and parts of the nervous...
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