
Associations:Minor Arcana: Eight of Wands, Six of SwordsSuit: Wands, SwordsChakra: Heart ChakraNumber 8Element: Fire, AirPlanet: MercurySymbol:  Self-balanceSignifies: ProgressColors: Blue, YellowAssociations:  Expansion, growth, promotionLearn more about the...


Jupiter Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity, and good fortune. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, higher education, religion, and the law. It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration,...

Yang Energy

Yang energy is considered masculine. Yang is very expanding, active, energetic, outward, and lighter. Unlike yin, yang is fast moving and expands outward. Some common properties of yang include: Heaven Sun Light Fire Time Energy Activity Generates Expansion Round...
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