by Dr. Luna Wells

By using a bagua map (see Feng Shui) to get an overview of your home, line the bottom of the square map with the entrance to your front door (as if you were standing at your front door looking in with the map in front of you.  Your front door will line up with either the Skills and Knowledge, Career or Helpful People & Travel areas.

Pay attention to the color, shape, number and element that should dominate each area.  For instance, in the relationship area, their should be 2 items in your room or a pairing of items. Use the colors of pink, red or white in this room. Earth is the dominate element in this area so use something (preferably in twos) that represent this element.


The energy coming through the door is the single most important factor that will determine how prosperous the occupants will be.

The location of the door with regards to the sectors of the home, indicate a priority to the occupants, therefore a person who has their front door located in the North sector, suggests that their career is very important to them
Make sure there is nothing in direct alignment with the door such as a tree or telegraph pole. To remedy this place a Bagua mirror over the door so it is reflecting the secret arrows or Sha Qi.

The path to the front door should be wide, spacious and well lit. Curved windy paths leading to the main entrance are auspicious.

A beautiful picture placed on the wall opposite the main door is used to encourage energy into the home and therefore opportunities to come into your life.

Your main door should always open inwards into a wide space to invite the Qi therefore opportunities into one’s life

Place two wide leaved plants next to the main door to help entice the energy in such as peace lilies.

Avoid facing a dark room, an interior staircase, mirror, stove, sink, fireplace, the door of a bathroom, laundry or bedroom. To remedy this keep the doors closed or place a screen between the doors.

The bed head should be against a solid wall. This will provide you with a sense of support and security when sleeping.

You should be able to see the whole room while lying in bed. Avoid placing the foot of the bed in direct alignment with the door as this is the coffin position.

If the bedroom or bathroom door can be seen from the front door it can turn the energy yin. This may make the occupants lack motivation and feel fatigued and lazy.

Your bed should not be located under an exposed beam.

Avoid mirrors as they are harmful to relationships especially if they are directly opposite the bed. Remove them or cover them over while sleeping.

Avoid clutter as Qi should flow easily through the room. It is particularly important that you do not store anything under the bed.

Bedrooms in the East are said to be auspicious as they catch the rising sun. This entices the occupants to get up and make something of their day.

Two red candles in the South west (relationship) sector of the room are a romantic feature which will encourage intimacy among a couple. (never leave them lit and unattended).
Study or Living Area

It is essential that you have a solid wall behind you as it will provide more backing for your ideas and lends authority to your presence.

You should be able to see who is coming through the door. This gives you a sense of being in control of your work.

You should also see the whole room from your desk. This will ensure you have mastery over all you do, you will think more clearly, your judgement will be sound and you will be respected.

Clear clutter, a cluttered desk reflects a cluttered mind.

Plants, flowers and wind chimes are great in a study or office as they provide yang Qi to the whole room. This encourages you to be productive, maintain good concentration and obtain good ideas.

You should position your desk so that you can easily see out the window while accessing natural light. Good ventilation is important, open windows are great.

You should face one of your good directions when studying or working.
House and Garden

Remove all rubbish, clutter and bad smells from each room in the house and garden as this leads to blockages.

Throw out unwanted goods, as this suggests you are holding on to the past.

Fix flaking paint as this suggests tiredness.

Fix damaged, spouting roof tiles or window seals if they or any part of the house looks rundown as this represents a gradual decline in health.

Repair leaky taps as this suggests gradual loss of income.

Healthy plants, fresh flowers, nice smells (aromatherapy) and good music attract good energy and lift your spirits.

Keep the garden beautiful to entice opportunities to come into one’s life. Also keep it free from clutter as this signifies worry and prevents one from being focused.

Maintain a good supply of fresh air by opening windows and allowing the air to circulate.

Avoid sleeping near electrical equipment as the electrical fields they emit are potentially harmful to your health.
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