by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac. ~
Astral projection (or astral travel)Â is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or use of psychotropics. Proponents of astral projection maintain that their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or “double”), which moves in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. Astral travel is a natural possibility that anyone can develop through practice.
Conscious astral travel can be experienced as clearly as we experience our daily life. In fact, it can even be experienced more clearly at times: our senses seem sharper and the environment somehow more real. One practice of astral projection simply allows us to become aware of the natural process of going to sleep. If we manage to be aware of this, then we consequently become aware of our departure into the astral plane as well.
By taking the first step in allowing the belief that there are other dimensions, you can then focus on ways to understand, explore, and actually experience these dimensions. This can open the door to an amazing and expansive existence. We have all heard of those people who have had near-death experiences. Their spirit or aura is separated from their physical body while their soul travels somewhere to see or learn a lesson.  There are also those who travel at night, in their dreams, to explore life elsewhere for the purpose of receiving messages.
Astral Travel with Sedona Vortex Stone
This stone has a very high vibration. It is associated with a famous energy center on earth. Many believe vortexes are portals or areas of energy that can help to transport us. This amazing red stone has a warm and grounding energy to it. It connects to our Root Chakra, brings about sensations of fire, desire, awakening and power. You can find one of these stones and try working with it. It is very powerful and famous for out of body assistance.
Lay on the floor and place this stone at the Root Chakra. It can sit on the lower pelvis or between your legs on the floor. You can also lay on your stomach and place the stone near the coccyx bone. Close your eyes. With several deep breaths begin by feeling grounded and connected to your stone. Feel the warm red energy slowly engulf the Chakra locally. You can use this red energy to rise up through each Chakra center until you reach the top of the head. Here’s a tip: the deeper you breath in and the longer the exhale, the further up the Chakra you can take your red vibrational energy.
Astral travel with your vortex stone can be an amazing experience. Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake, via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. Astral projection is the process of shifting your consciousness or soul into an astral body (or “double”), which moves in conjunction with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. Your vortex stone can be used as a tool to help you further as you develop your practice.
This rooting allows your physical body to be grounded as your auric light can travel freely using the power behind the vortex stone. The stone simply allows us to become more aware of the natural process of going to sleep. If we manage to be aware of this, then we consequently become aware of our departure into the astral plane as well. It will be important to focus on ways to understand, explore, and actually experience these dimensions. This can open the door to an amazing and expansive existence. Upon waking from your astral experience, start recording your experiences in your dream journal. Write down any symbols, colors, locations that you experienced. Even if they may not make sense at the time, it is key to write them down for further research.
It is understood that the vortex stones help to project us to see placed that are important for us to see in our own spiritual development on this plane.
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