
Properties: Labradorite is the symbol of vitality. This metallic iridescent stone brings forth each person’s strengths to share with the world. Helps one find their originality. This stone brings easier, more restful sleep as it has a very calming effect. This also make the stone a great stress reducer. Use as a worry/empowering stone and rub it Watch how beautiful it will sparkle with all the attention. Helps us relate to others. Opens energy flow to the Solar plexus and Third Eye Chakra and whatever other centers are most in need.

This crystal is still evolving along with us. At the Solar plexus Chakra, it gives power. At the Third Eye Chakra it encourage deep insight, psychic ability and focused intuition. Brings great clarity. Use it to stimulate the memory and impulse imagination. Labradorite has an “umbrella effect” when it comes to energy. It is used for deflecting bad energies away from its user, preventing energy leakage and helps by forming a barrier or umbrella around the user, protecting the aura. It protects the user from psychic debris and past life angst that can come up in the mind of its owner.

This stone dispels illusions and goes direct to the matters or issues that are brought up during your relationship with the stone. Anyone can benefit from Labradortie, when they are going through change. This assists in easing any transformation, allowing one to engage their higher level of consciousness in the process.

Folk Remedies: Labradorite is used to stabilize the body’s immune system, therefore, it was often associated with stimulating the thymus gland and is used for treating colds. This stone was used in ancient time in healing bone issues associated with both rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis. It’s believed to be helps with problems of the spinal column, joints and bone related pain.

Feng Shui: This stone can be used in the Southeast for resources, in the South for success and reputation and Northeast for self-cultivation.

Crystal Cleansing: Fragile, avoid salt cleansing. As this stone gets used, it will become cloudy. It should be placed in mineral water and put in the sun for several days.

History: The most famous deposits of Labradorite are found in Labrador, Canada. Discovered there at the end of the eighteenth century, this spectrolite stone Na[AlSi3O8]/CalAl2Si2O8+Fe K, Ba, Sr, is from the Plagioclase feldspar family, disperses iridescent varieties of color called “labradorescence”. This iridescent optical effect (or schiller) is known as “labradorescence”. Frequently found with quartz, this stone is used in modern architecture as highly polished, iridescent reflecting stones. Varieties of this stone are found in Greenland, Italy, Finland and Scandinavia. In the state of Maine, the Algonkian tribe used this stone as early as the year 1000. It is often confused with opal.

Special Note: these particular tumblestones were used by Andrew in a solemn spiritual ceremony in Paris. They were divined at a burial mandala for the infamous spiritist, Allan Kardec. You can read more about Andrew’s Lunch with Allan Kardec!

From Dispelling Illusions

Labradorite has an “umbrella effect” when it comes to energy. It is used for deflecting bad energies away from its user, preventing energy leakage and helps by forming a barrier or umbrella around the user, protecting the aura. It protects the user from psychic debris and past life angst that can come up in the mind of its owner.

This stone dispels illusions and goes direct to the matters or issues that are brought up during your relationship with the stone. Anyone can benefit from Labradortie, when they are going through change.

This assists in easing any transformation, allowing one to engage their higher level of consciousness in the process.


Angels: Michael
Associated Crystal: spectrolite/feldspar family
Birthstone: February/March
Color: Rainbow
Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Element: Air, Water
Flowers: lavender, lilac, orchid, violet
Gods/Goddesses: Lakshmi, Buddha, Ishtar, Ali Baba, Diana, Luna, Artemis
Planet: Neptune. Pluto
Zodiac: Scorpio
Sabbat: Litha, Mabon
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Moon

Labradorite Elixir

A crystal elixir or gem essence combines the energy of your crystal that is infused in either water or oil. It is often placed in the sun in order for the crystal to imbue the water or oil with the crystal’s energy or Qi and then the decoction is used for healing and anointing.

Here is what you need: A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water. If you are going to be placing your essence outside, be sure to cover it.   Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Labradorite

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: Fragile, avoid salt cleansing. As this stone gets used, it will become cloudy. It should be placed in mineral water and put in the sun for several days.

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

icons-ailment  Find crystals associated with healing pain and emotional trauma. Click here

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icons-emotions  Crystals associated with anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief, fear, and shock (fright). Click here

icons-holiday Crystals can be used to create intention, encourage change or decorate for any holiday!  Click here

icons-names  Gemstones can be known by their scientific name, common name or nickname. Click here

icons-quiz  What crystals are right for you? Take the crystal quiz. Click here

icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here

icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here

icons-zodiac Crystals and birthstones. Find essential stones for Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer *Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio * Sagittarius *Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces  Click here

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