by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~

Creativity Into Innovation

Innovation is applied creativity. the term is often used to refer to the entire process by which an individual or organization generates creative new ideas and converts them into novel, useful and viable creations!

Skills are used on a regular basis they become almost automatic and we can draw from them whenever needed. Without skills we can envision a unique quilt, painting or poem but will not be able to bring the dream to life. The key: learn in a way that builds on prior knowledge and directly confronts deeply held misconceptions.

The more knowledgeable and skilled we become the higher our expectations become. So it is vital that we continue to grow in our field of creativity in order to thrive in it. The key: learn and understand how integrated knowledge, which shows how each concept is connected to other concepts, can apply to what you want to create.

Memory function also brings forth creative spark! The key: understand your creative subject on a much deeper concept, not memorization of superficial facts. Take time to understand some of the minutia that has meaning to you. You will be surprised how you recall it when the time is appropriate. The other procedure that helps us bring information back from our long term memory is by association.

Innovation today is a continuous process of small and constant change, and it’s built into the culture of successful realizations from paper to fruition. Willingness to take risks with ideas can result in an innovation. Ideas are useless unless used. The proof of their value is only in their implementation.

Therefore, by using tools such as memory recall, using your deep rooted knowledge, unfocused time, focused effort and the synthesis of knowledge and skills, are the key ingredients to carry through from an idea to innovation.

Your Creative Journal

A Creative Journal is a book or record you create to chart progress, make steps to follow and create a journey to building self-confidence. It can be used for writing down experiences you have, words that give you power and help you to work toward your success! This journal is a good place to record your information so that you can go back and look at later.

Tips for Creative Journaling

1. Inspiring creativity to come is about finding balance. Upon waking, pick up your journal and write down a goal for the day. Commit yourself to doing one thing that will take you out of your comfort zone today.

2. It is a good idea to focus on one specific thing that will bring about change today, no matter how awkward it may feel. Be focused.

3. Determination is the key element you must apply to see your goal through today. Be determined.

4. Jot down an affirmation that you will repeat throughout the day “I am willing to take the risk”, “I am proud of myself and will extend my pride even further today”, “I will achieve my new goal today”.

5. Allowing the creative process to unfold is the sign of a confident person. You can achieve this by having faith in what you choose to set as your goal.

6. Having faith in your abilities is trusting your heart’s desire. And no one can deny your heart’s desire.

7. Take a look at your creative process. Are you pro-active? Write down each idea. Now, one by one, as you go on your journey, use these as a check list you will think about.

8. Take a look at your positive attributes. These are your strengths you will use as tools to take you further and create your new idea.

9. Reflect on your past successes. Use these as stepping stones in order to reach your goal. You have done it before and you will do it again. This is bringing creativity to innovation.

10. As you inspire yourself and become innovative, you inspire innovation in others. This natural progression is one of the most rewarding gifts you can receive.

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” – Carl Jung

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