by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac ~

This Travel Journal or Life Journal, is a great way to bring the power of your thoughts, good energy and a generous outlook along with you for the ride! A Travel Journal can be used for writing down memorable events you have experienced during the day or a life checklist! These journals are good places to record the events you experienced, feelings associated with them and your goals for achieving your path along with your daily affirmations, things to see and places to explore. It can allow you to look at that information later for inspiration and guidance.

Tips for Creating Your Travel Journal

1. Upon waking, choose or create a positive affirmation you will say throughout the day.

2. It is a good idea to write words such as I am, I can, I will.

3. Write down your positive perception of the journey today.

4. Jot down significant words/phrases, that signify your mindfulness, today. “My partner”, “my great career”, “my respect for myself”.

5. Where would you like to start on your journey? Explain in your journal.

6. What do you find pleasure in? Write down each day, something new that you find pleasure in doing, seeing, smelling, hearing…

7. If there are colors, which you encounter, write them down. Wear that color today. Find that color in food and enjoy it. Carry that color around with you today. Look at it periodically in nature. What colors during your trip had positive impact or negative impact?

8. Do you see failure as a stumbling block or a stepping stone? Find three things in failure that make it a stepping stone to the next level!

9. Be sure and write the time and day on the top of the travel page.

10. Make this journal your own!  Buy or make a book that you are eager to go to each day. Use stickers, color, doodles that all express your happiness. Download the many journal apps for creating great memories!

Learn how to create more memories to journal about…

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