Number 11

The Number Eleven (11= 2): represents spiritual truth and communication.People with a number eleven in their charts are often highly intuitive and have a great message to share with the world. However, they may never be heard unless they can overcome their impulsive...

3rd House

Astrological House of Gemini – Brothers Your astrological birth chart is divided into twelve areas called houses. They are numbered from the left side counterclockwise around the chart. The chart represents the planets against a background of the signs of the...

The Lovers

The Lovers The Lovers: cooperation, choice, sexual energy, bonding, unionKey Words: Sex, Love, Health, Union, Trust, Passion, Temptation, Vulnerability, CommunicationThis is the Tarot card of love and all it includes. The card represents the aspects of our lives that...

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra Location: the throat area Color: Blue Element: Ether Sense: Sound Musical Keynote: G (vocalized “eh”) Associated Glands: Thyroid *Controls the jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs, arms...
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