Yin Energy

Yin energy is considered feminine. Yin is very contracting, passive, languid, inward, and heavier. Unlike yang, yin is slow moving and contracts inward. Some common properties of yin include:


Yin and yang are two words we frequently hear in connection with balance. Yin is generally thought of as being feminine, while yang is considered masculine, But there is much more to this. — Yin is also related to the earth, moon, darkness, shade, rest, space, west and north. Yang on the other hand is related to light, sun, brightness, heaven, time, south, east and left.

In ancient times when the daily cycle of night and day were noted, it was thought that day corresponded to yang and yin corresponded to night. Since one usually traveled and worked during the day, yang came to be associated with activity, while yin came to be associated with rest because at night, one rested.

Yin and Yang are looked at in four distinct ways. Yin and Yang are in:

Opposition: in relation/relative to each other.
Interdependent: you cannot have one without the other.
Mutual Consumption: control and balance one another.
Intertransformation: one transforms into the other at it’s Zenith.

Yin and Yang exist in everything in the Universe in relationship to each other. The duality of the universe and the world around us is expressed in this “Tai Chi,” symbol (often, mistakenly called the Yin/Yang symbol) a circle created by a light and a dark side, positioned end to end with one small circle of yin in yang and yang in yin.

This is the presence of its complement. This has been accepted for several thousand years in Chinese philosophy, but the acknowledgment that every male has a feminine aspect, and every female has a male side, is new to the Western mind and medicine.

Yin and Yang exist in everything in the Universe in relationship to each other. The duality of the universe and the world around us ~ a circle created by a light and a dark side, positioned end to end with one small circle of yin in yang and yang in yin. This is the presence of its complement.

Together, yin and yang comprise a whole, and yet there is an element of each in the other. But sometimes we have too much yang, and other times, we have too much yin. It is up to us to find and maintain the balance between the two in our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual and intellectual selves. Achieving this balance helps us become grounded or centered.

Yin-Yang Pairs in Universal Energies
Yang – Yin
Heaven – Earth
Sun – Moon
Light – Darkness
Fire – Water
Time – Space
Energy – Matter
Activity – Rest
Generates – Grows
Expansion – Contraction
Round – Flat
Rising – Descending
Above – Below
East – West
South – North
Left – Right
Male – Female

Yin-Yang Pairs in Your Body
Yang – Yin
Exterior – Interior
Back – Front
Head – Body
Above the Waist – Below the Waist
Function – Structure
Qi (energy) – Blood and bodily fluids


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December 22, 2017

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