Urdhva Chaturanga Dandasana
In Chaturaṅga Daṇḍāsana the hands and feet are on the floor, supporting the body, which is parallel to and lowered toward, but not touching, the floor. (low plank). It looks much like a push up, but with the hands quite low (just above the pelvis), and the elbows kept in along the sides of the body. When performed correctly, it can help prepare the body for arm balance asanas by strengthening important muscles and promoting good form. Don’t sink your torso below the elbow level because this puts a lot of pressure on the elbow joints. When doing this try to bring your chest up and distribute the weight of the body equally between the upper and the lower body – push your heels back. Don’t do it without proper guidance.
Now straighten the arms, and you are in Dandasana, also called high plank.