
Properties: This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. It is very calming and its shade of blue refreshes the eyes and spirit. This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans. It is most associated with the Angelic Realm.  Most effective on the Throat Chakra, Angelite helps in self expression, communication and allows us to speak our mind, helping us to become more assertive. Its soothing effects on the Throat Chakra works beautifully in calming and soothing anxiety or overactive children. Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support.

This stone is excellent at balancing, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the Aura or ethereal network. Angelite is often used for psychic connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance.

Angelite is utilized for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the “upstream struggle” during new endeavors. Angelite is especially good for psychological pain associated with loss. Helps us let go of past mistakes, a greater sense of compassion, empathy and forgiveness through grace.

Folk Remedies: Angelite has been used with great results for atrophy of the Thymus. It is used for relieving throat inflammation and to balance the thyroid. Angelite also repairs and soothes tissues and blood vessels. It is very useful for weight control. It aligns physical and etheric fields for healing the self and others. Regenerates and rejuvenates ill or depleted areas. Provides a protective energy field around the area where it is placed.

Feng Shui: Use this stone in the Northeast area for wisdom and knowledge and in the Center area for balance and harmony.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 7

History: Fairly new discovery in Peru with in the last 25 years and found during the Harmonic Conversion. Angelite (CaSO4) or (Blue Anhydrite) is a solid pale blue form of calcium sulfate or “anhydrate”, which is gypsum that has lost water and crystallized. It sometimes shows traces of white calcium mineral.

Special Note: these particular tumblestones were used by Andrew in an amazing healing ceremony in the Arizona desert. They were divined at a clearing mandala meditation circle and used to represent the element air. You can read more about Andrew’s incredible experience with this crystal!

For Communicating & Transforming

Angelite is utilized for heightened sensory awareness, which also makes it great for Astral travel. Angelite helps us to see paths to surmount challenges. It dispels anger, renews connections with Universal knowledge, and reduces the “upstream struggle” during new endeavors.

Angelite is especially good for psychological pain associated with loss. Helps us let go of past mistakes, a greater sense of compassion, empathy and forgiveness through grace.

Use this stone to call your Angels for guidance and support. Angelite is often used for psychic connection to oneness with the Universe, the angelic realm and for spiritual guidance.


Angels: Guardian Angel
Associated Crystal: gypsum-anhydrite family
Birthstone: February
Color: Blue
Chakra: Throat Chakra
Element: Air
Flowers: Narcissus, Iris, Hydrangea
Oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Rose, Pine
Gods/Goddesses:  Artemis, Cailleach, Ishtar, Luna
Planet: Uranus
Zodiac: Aquarius
Sabbat: Imbolc, Yule
Tarot:  Moon

Spiritual Connection

Hold a vibrant piece of Angelite over the Throat Chakra. You can do this over another person or lay the stone at your throat. Eyes closed as you take deep inhales and slow, extended exhales. Take the focus behind the eye lids at first, then move the focus to the center of your throat. We not only communicate with words, but with actions or thoughts.

Allow yourself or your client, time…. time to connect with the crystals. Get a sense of calming energy with each “letting go” of the exhale. The idea is to combine your energy with Universal thought and the reach of your own intuition.  What are you connecting to?

You can find this meditation and many others in Andrew’s certification course, The Crystalline Angel,   Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Angelite

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 3 and method 5 – 7

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

icons-ailment  Find crystals associated with healing pain and emotional trauma. Click here

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icons-chakra  Learn about the right crystals for each Chakra centers, Click here


icons-color Crystals categorized and classified by their colors. Click here

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icons-emotions  Crystals associated with anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, grief, fear, and shock (fright). Click here

icons-holiday Crystals can be used to create intention, encourage change or decorate for any holiday!  Click here

icons-names  Gemstones can be known by their scientific name, common name or nickname. Click here

icons-quiz  What crystals are right for you? Take the crystal quiz. Click here

icons-seasons  The seasons influence our energy. Unearth the stones you need for each season. Click here

icons-shapes When crystals grow or are faceted into shapes, they take on the Universal energy they share. Click here

icons-zodiac Crystals and birthstones. Find essential stones for Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer *Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio * Sagittarius *Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces  Click here

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