Newsletter July

"Pearls of wisdom for the month"

Staying Healthy In Summer

Stay hydrated: Summer heat can sneak up on you! Even when you think you are not thirsty, your body is already craving water. Being active for extended periods of time make it more difficult to notice dehydration. Bring a water bottle with volume markings to keep track of how much you are drinking and how much more you need to drink.

Keep active: It can be hard to exercise during the day when the summer heat is on or you have a full-time job at an office.Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further away so you have to walk further each morning and afternoon. Take walks during lunchtime. Walk in the shade or avoid walking between 11 am – 3 pm when the sun is the strongest.

Prevent eye strain: Sitting in front of a computer screen all day makes you particularly susceptible to eye strain.  Apply the 20-20-20 Rule: After every 20 minutes, you should look away from your screen and focus on an object that is 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Pack a healthy lunch: Don’t forget the snacks! This will help you maintain a nutritious diet and avoid the temptation of the unhealthy snacks in the vending machine. Make healthy choices in the company cafeteria. Pack lots of fruits and cut up vegetables for that picnic basket or road trip.

Wash your hands: That means frequently throughout the day to prevent contracting germs and illnesses from your surroundings. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.

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The Healing Balance

No matter what time of year it is, our bodies always need looking after. Whether it is a seasonal tune up or detox or just a good night’s sleep, it is important to pay attention to the subtle messages our body reveals!  This balancing act involves, good nutrition, decent sleep and movement.  It is our attention to our selves and our spiritual connection that also brings us peace, in times of stress.

Keeping Eyes Healthy

From computer eye strain to macular degeneration, our eyes are one of our most precious commodities that need our attention. We use and abuse our eyes and expect a lot out of them in a day. Here you will find terms you might hear from your Ophthalmologist, how to improve your eye sight, yoga asanas (for my eyes?) information about the Bates Method and even how to make your own eye pillow!

Urban Zen

Meditation ~ in the fast lane!  Living in a big city or busy community may not seem like the ideal places to find time or a location to get your meditation on…but over the years, more attention has been given to creating spaces for people to come and relax and city planners have discovered the need to create little places of “sanctuary” where one could find respite from their crazy day!

Enjoy Our Communities

Here you will find FREE online health and wellness communities started by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac. With over 15,000 members strong. Great wellness advise. From meditation to reiki, crystals to wellness and fertility to therapies, you can find a community or group to fit your needs and lifestyle!  Meet new friends, get involved or just come along for the incredible ride!


Manhattanhenge — sometimes referred to as the Manhattan Solstice — is an event during which the setting sun is aligned with the east–west streets of the main street grid of Manhattan, New York City. This occurs appears to happen twice in a year around May 28 and July 11 – July 13. Find more under our Celestial Events calendar for July!

Summer Eats

With the help of these nutrition experts from The Cleveland Clinic and the American Dietetic Association, we’ve put together a list of the “best of the best” heart-healthy foods. The foods listed here are all top-performers in protecting your heart and blood vessels. You can easily bring heart-healthy foods into your daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are also some of “summer’s greatest foods”

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Alternative Answers for ED

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Life Lessons from Surfing

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Natural Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

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Celebrating Lammas

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