
12th Moon of the Celtic Year – (Oct 28 – Nov 24) (The Inquisitor) – Investigative, victim of gossip and mystery, seeks truth. The month of Reed is associated with the music made by bagpipes and flutes, and also for divination. Reed is sometimes said to symbolize the dark side of the psyche and so can be used in psychic work. TheReed is commonly known as “the elf’s friend”.

The Celts believed that reed trees symbolized wisdom and education. Those born under the Druid sign Reed tree have hidden strength and secret motivation. Known as the secret keepers of the tree zodiac, they have the ability to go deep inside their psyche to find the hidden meaning of things. When they need to get to the bottom of things, they know how to get to the heart of the matter. They make excellent detectives, private investigators, historians, journalists and archaeologists.

People are very trusting of them and they will often find themselves convincing people to talk to them who might not otherwise. They are natural storytellers and can easily be drawn in by tales, legends and gossip. They have a dazzling talent that allows them to express what they see in life artistically. Their unyielding determination makes them move past defeat easily. They are often surrounded by many friends throughout their life who will admire their accomplishments. They are usually very attractive and can be a savvy diplomat. They sometimes lack self confidence, but may act superior in spite of. They are very loyal to those closest to them.

They often have trouble finding a relationship. Sometimes their thoughts take priority over their emotions. The natural detective in them will often probe others for all their secrets, but will hold on to their personal secrets, often remaining a mystery to those closest to them. It can be hard to get them to change what they believe to be right. Even in the face of hard core evidence, they will go to extreme lengths to prove they are right.

Their challenge in life is to use their investigative abilities to become perceptive people whose knowledge can be used to educate others. If used in a negative way, it could be to manipulate others to find out their weakness

Known as the Reed Moon, Reed is typically used to make wind instruments, and this time of year, its haunting sounds are sometimes heard when the souls of the dead are being summoned to the Underworld. The Reed Moon was called Negetal, pronounced nyettle by the Celts, and is sometimes referred to as the Elm Moon by modern Pagans. This is a time for divination and scrying. If you’re going to have a seance, this is a good month to do it. This month, do magical workings related to spirit guides, energy work, meditation, celebration of death, and honoring the cycle of life and rebirth.

Ogham Alphabet: Ngetal
Meaning: Inquisitor
Animal: Wolf/Dog
Crystal: Jasper, Turquoise
Planet: Mercury, Saturn
Element: Water
Symbolism: communication and relationships
Birds: Lapwing, Ruffled Grouse
Color: Turquoise
Deity: Pwyll, God of the underworld, Orpheus, Odin, Hoenin, Lodr
Folk Names: Elm, Reed Tree, Elven

Learn more Celtic Astrology…


references: 1. rober graves, the white goddess, 2., 3. Celtic Oghms

12th Moon of the Celtic Year – (Oct 28 – Nov 24) (The Inquisitor)

Known as the Reed Moon, Reed is typically used to make wind instruments, and this time of year, its haunting sounds are sometimes heard when the wind blows near lakes or streams. The Reed Moon was called Negetal, pronounced nyettle by the Celts, and is sometimes referred to as the Elm Moon. This is a time for divination and scrying. This represents the time of Samhain or Halloween and the Celts saw it as the end of the light half of the year.

This month, do empowerment work related to spirit guides, energy work, meditation, celebration of death, and honoring the cycle of life and rebirth. Reed is sometimes said to symbolize the dark side of the psyche and so can be used in psychic work. 

The Reed is commonly known as “the elf’s friend”. The Celts believed that reed trees symbolized wisdom and education.

Among the Celtic tree astrology signs, the Reed is the secret keeper. You like to know about the truth that maybe buried deep down. You find this hidden truth to be the heart of the matter. It is what feeds into you following gossip, scandals, legend and lore.

You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. Your manipulative nature can get in the way or it can get results. Since you have a strong sense of truth and honor, you tend not to take matters you hear and see, in the wrong direction.

Ancestor Ritual Kit

This fantastic kit honors your most powerful day to communicate with spirits, ancestors and departed loved ones. It helps you to create a “positive intentions” ritual and to design a positive “Rites” in your life… I highly recommend these kits to everyone (for beginner and expert alike). If you are new to setting, creating and allowing positive intentions and positive thinking into your life, here you will find an easy road map with my complete instructions. If you are an expert at bring and keeping good discipline and intentions into your life, then this kit is just what you need, as it is a complete set, with all the tools necessary to work with… right now!

Samhain Resin Incense

Representing Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain is a magical representation of the suspension of time and the thin veil between earth and the Otherworld is lifted. This is a most powerful day to communicate with spirits, ancestors and departed loved ones. This time marks the end of the pastoral year and the beginning of the next year’s cycle. We blend together fragrant clove, burnt orange, pungent patchouli and magical pumpkin spice. ~ 2 ounces of fragrant incense, black organza storage bag and 2 charcoal disks!

Irish Blessings Kit

The Irish Blessing is a traditional blessing and is simply the most well known. The Irish are actually quite famous for a number of blessings. We honor this beautiful tradition for the home (or any place you want blessings) with wonderful tools to help you ensure good luck, guidance, protection, divine sanction and grace. This kit includes 7 Irish blessings, 1 sage bundle for clearing and scenting, 4 good luck crystals (jade, tiger’s eye, aventurine, citrine), our famous Crystal Elixir oil perfume for luck, a good luck shamrock bracelet and a green candle for lighting up good intentions. It also comes with complete instructions for creating luck, good fortune and blessings in your life!

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