

Ruler of the Thrones, a sphere or level of angelic influence, Raziel was believed to be the angel who gave the mystical Jewish book, Sefer Raziel HaMalach (“The Book of Raziel the Angel”), to Adam, just as he and Eve were cast from the Garden of Eden. According to the Kabbalah tradition, the book was said to contain secret Universal knowledge and was considered to be a book of magic. Raziel’s name means “the secret of God”. He therefore, works to help with our internal and personal mysteries of self-awareness (intuition), self-control (focus) and self-knowledge (insight).

Virtues: Universal Mysteries
Associations: Divination
Gemstone: Iolite
Color: Indigo Rainbow Ray
Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Herbs: Angelica, Clove, Elder Flower
Body Healing: Angelic Healing
Mind Healing: Intention, Intuition and Divination
Spirit Healing: Metaphysics
Your Angel Reading: Intuition
Angel Meditation: Purification


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