Angel of Fire

Angel of Fire


Elemental Correspondences: Fire
Element Ruled by: Leo.
Fire Guardian Angel: Archangel Michael. (Some traditions shown as: Ariel)
Fire Angel: Aral.
Fire Ruler: Seraph.
Fire King: Dijin.
Direction: South.
Time Ruled: Noon.
Zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Wind: Notus.
Qualities: Hot and Dry, Light and Active.
Hours of Day Governed: Noon.
Season Governed: Summer.
Magical Phrase: Velle, to dare.
Magical Tool: Fire, Lamp, Wand.
Tattivic Symbol: Red Triangle. (Tejas)
Tattivic Tide: March 21st to June 21st.
Symbolic Creature: Lion.
Elemental Symbol: Flowering Rod of Aaron.
Elemental Spirit: Salamander.
Element Colour: Orange, Scarlet.
Gem: Fire Opal.
Incense: Frankincense.
Animal: Dragon and Lion.
Tree: Alomd ( especially when in flower)
Element Plant: Nettle.
Elemental Tarot – Major Arcana: Judgement (XX).
Elemental Tarot – Minor Arcana: Wands.
Talismanic Elemental Angels: Hitsael.
Geomantic Number 5.
Sefira Number 6.
Body System Ruled: Head.
Positive Aspects: Energetic, Faithful, Daring and Enthusiastic.
Negative Aspects: Angry, Violent, Stubborn, Greed, Jealous and Aggressive.

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