Angel of Air
Elemental Correspondences: Air
Element Ruled by: Libra
Air Guardian Angel: Archangel Raphael (Some traditions indicate as: Michael).
Air Angel: Chassan.
Air Ruler: Aral.
Air King: Paralda.
Direction: East.
Time Ruled: Dawn.
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
Wind: Eurus.
Sense: Smell.
Qualities: Hot, Moist, Light and Active.
Hour of Day Governed: Dawn.
Season Governed: Spring.
Magical Phrase: Noscere, to know.
Magical Tool: Dagger.
Tattvic Symbol: Blue Circle. (Vayu).
Tattvic Tide: June 21st to September 23rd.
Symbolic Creatures: Eagle, Human.
Elemental Symbol: Sword of David.
Elemental Spirit: Sylphs.
Elemental Colour: Crimson, Yellow and Blue-White..
Gem: Topaz
Incense: Galbanum
Animal: Birds.
Tree: Aspen.
Elemental Plants: Mistletoe.
Elemental Tarot – Major Arcana: Fool (0).
Elemental Tarot – Minor Arcana: Swords.
Talismanic Elemental Angel: Zaltzel.
Geomantic Number 6.
Sefira Number 8.
Body System Ruled: Chest, Lung and Throat.
Positive Aspects: Communicative, Joyful, Intuitive and Intelligent.
Negative Aspects: Boastful, Untruthful, Selfish and Inattentive.