Our Famous Third Eye Oil
<o> Our top-selling branded product for activating, engaging, and opening the Third Eye. Our special oil blend comes from a long-line of home care ingredients used for centuries and handed down by my great, great grandmother.
<o> The color Indigo represents the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye is just one part of a system that brings intention, intuition, and empowerment to our aura.
<o> The Third Eye is associated with psychic awareness and inner connection to the neural pathways of our psyche.
<o> We incorporate amethyst stone as a tuner to help motivate the action of the mind.
<o> Our blend uses 100% pure Angel’s Mist essential oils including Rue essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Cypress essential oil, Lavender essential oil, and Clary Sage essential oil.
<o> Use this exceptional oil as a conductor, massaging a little bit into the Third Eye for meditation, psychic readings, tarot readings, morning rituals, evening prayers, or to offer a new outlook on an old situation.
<o> Anoint your special tools (crystal ball, tarot cards, stones and crystals, ritual wear, prayer beads, altar clothes, calling tools, symbolic objects, and gifts, sacred to you) in order to call awareness to their presence.
<o> Our blend comes in a .05 roll on bottle for ease of use.