The stone of transformation. Charoite helps seeing old patterns with new possibilities. It is believed to open the heart, allow inspiration, encourage service, and grants us the ability for seeing more clearly (mentally, physically, psychically). It is believed that this stone brings about faster healing. Some find it useful for entity release work. Most effective on the upper centers of energy, which are the Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra to transmute/lift us out of troubled or stuck emotions and most of all, fear. This brings about vibrational change and therefore stimulates the Aura.
Properties: Use this stone for transforming negative energies into acceptance. Charoite can be used to assist in the foresight and ability to improve your intuitive vision. Considered a strong psychic stone, it’s association with empathic and clairvoyant energies should be put to good use. Keep it on the Third Eye Chakra for meditation or near you when you are recalling dreams, boosting intuition, and journaling.
Folk Remedies: This crystal is recommended for alcohol and food detoxification. This stone is said to regulate blood pressure, as well as regenerate the body in times of fatigue. Because this stone is closely related to the heart, it has historically been used to treat insomnia in adults and children. Put Charoite under your pillow, especially if you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which come up in dreams. In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears. This stone treats other heart and nervous system disorders such as bi-polar and autism.
Feng Shui: Charoite is used primarily anywhere to help bring change. Used in the Southeast direction, in the Center for balance and spirituality and in the Northeast for wisdom.
Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 8
History: Charoite (Ca,K,Na)3Si4O10(OH,F)H2O, found in Russia, is named after the Charo(y) River running along the Murun mountains in Yakutia. Formed from alteration of limestones by the close presences of an alkali-rich nephline syenite intrusion. Charoite ranges from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with occasional veining of white, gray or black.
It is found where a syenite of the Murunskii Massif has intruded into and altered limestone deposits producing a potassium feldspar metasomatite. Charoite is translucent lavender to purple in color with a pearly luster. Charoite is strictly massive in nature, and fractures are conchoidal. It has an unusual swirling, fibrous appearance, sometimes chatoyant, and that, along with its intense color, can lead many to believe at first that it is synthetic or enhanced artificially.
For Psychic Awareness
Psychic intentions are at the root of this incredible stone. It is very good for past-life work. Those who are fearful of unwanted psychic experiences will benefit from Charoite. It is also good for telepathic connection with friends.
This stone helps to open communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic intuition.
It is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, dream recall, past life work, and can help you see your path. Put Charoite under your pillow, especially if you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which come up in dreams. In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears.
Angels: Zadkiel
Associated Crystal: silicate mineral family
Birthstone: November, December
Color: Purple/Indigo
Chakra: Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Element: Water
Flowers: Lavender, Lilac, Violet, Blessed Thistle
Gods/Goddesses: Buddha, Dionysus, Bacchus, Diana, Artemis
Planet: Neptune
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara, Mabon
Tarot: The High Priestess
Charoite Elixir
A crystal elixir or gem essence combines the energy of your crystal that is infused in either water or oil. It is often placed in the sun in order for the crystal to imbue the water or oil with the crystal’s energy or Qi and then the decoction is used for healing and anointing.
Here is what you need: A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water. If you are going to be placing your essence outside, be sure to cover it. Read more here
Cleansing & Charging Charoite
~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.
~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy. A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.
Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 8
The Power of Color
Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you. A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality. It contributes in what attracts you to it. The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.