Taurus: The Practical  Bull (April 21 – May 21)

Bulls are very practical, consistent, stubborn and habitual. They have a possessive nature, can be indulgent, extremely devoted, and enjoy earthy pleasures. They can be laid back only after their control issues are in check and are often dogmatic by nature.

Taurus are resourceful, thorough and dependable in nature. They know how to be responsible and stable when it is important (to them) yet they have a placid and comfortable mode that is sometimes not the best direction for them. Considered solid, earthy, and strong, they are money-oriented, practical, productive, cautious, yet in their younger years they may be even musical and artistic.

Who You Are

Greatest Gift: Contentment, Comfort
GemstoneHerkimer DiamondEmerald
Colors: Mauve, Green, Pale Blue
Zodiac Symbol: Bull
Zodiac ElementEarth
Zodiac QualityFixed Signs
Astro Medical: throat, neck, thyroid, vocal tract
House2nd House
Chakra EnergiesFor Today
Yin-Yang QualityYin Energy
Chinese equivalent is the Dragon

Sub-divisions of Taurus

Decanate is a subdivision of a sun sign. Every sunsign in divided into three parts. Your decanate individualizes the characteristics of your particular time of birth.

First Subdivision / Decanate of Taurus (0 degrees to 10 degrees)
From April 20th to April 30th :
Ruler: Venus
Attributes: Social charmer, artistic, sympathetic, collector of beautiful artifacts, earthy

Second Subdivision / Decanate of Taurus (10 degrees to 20 degrees)
From May 1st to May 10th:
Ruler: Venus
Sub Ruler: Mercury
Attributes: Presumptuous, intuitive, determined, independent, good problem-solver, articulate, meddlesome

Third Subdivision / Decanate of Taurus (20 degrees to 30 degrees)
From May 11th to May 20th:
Ruler: Venus

Earth Element

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) show propriety. They are conventional, proper and fitting. They follow what is socially acceptable in conduct, behavior and speech. They have excellent manners and are very polite. They are prudent and have a deep regard for conventional rules of behavior. When balanced, your element grounds you and keeps you rooted. When not balanced you can be stubborn.

Fixed Sign

The Fixed Signs like stability. They want to own things. They want to be the boss and let the cardinal signs run things for them. Fixed Signs are stubborn, fixed in position. They frequently take longer to start, but they never seem to stop. Fixed Signs want everything else to move around them while they sit still.    

Astrological House

The houses of the horoscope represent different areas of life, described in terms of physical surroundings as well as personal life experiences. The placement of a planet or zodiac sign in a house will determine, to a large degree, the area of life in which it acts, and the goals and activities on which its drive or impulse will be focused.   

Your Planet Venus

To ancient astrologers, the planets represented the will of the Gods and their influence on human affairs. To modern astrologers, the planets represent basic drives and impulses within the human psyche. These drives express themselves as different qualities throughout the twelve signs of the zodiac and in different circles of life through the twelve houses.

Medical Astrology

Medical astrology, traditionally known as Iatromathematics, is an ancient medical system of healing connecting the body and disease with the twelve astrological signs. Each astrological sign, along with the sun, moon, and planets are associated with different parts of the human body that correlate to disorders of its associated muscles, nerve systems and organs.

The system of medical astrology has been used to codify the associations of the signs of the zodiac with the parts of the body as follows: Taurus – throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract

The planets are also associated with certain portions and functions within the body:

Venus – throat, kidneys, thymus gland, sense of touch, ovaries

In medical astrology, Taurus is ruled by the throat, neck and thyroid gland. It is in these areas that problems can result more often. Taurus is more susceptible to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Sore throats, tonsillitis and hoarseness can be your plight. Metaphysically, when Taurus is not able to speak their mind, problems are more prevalent in this area of the body. Sometimes referred to as “plum pit Qi” in Chinese medicine, there is a feeling of something in the throat when there is no physical blockage, but stress expressing itself as something “caught in the throat”. There is another connection between the throat, the stomach and food. Taurus often have a body image referred to as a pear or apple shape. This is often the result from improper eating. Taurus are worriers. Their worry leads to stress. Stress leads to being comforted by food. Excess eating leads to weight gain. These are all dilemmas that Taurus often encounter. Weight loss is usually a lifelong battle for Taurus.

Making moderate exercise apart of your lifestyle will benefit you better than just showing up to the gym once in a while. Eat foods that boost your metabolism and eating foods in season will serve you greatly. Worriers often use food as a comforter. Chinese medicine has seen the connection between worry and the spleen and stomach. Learning to handle stress and worry as well as, controlling less and letting go, can be key factors for healing.

Your healing color is blue.

Taurus is yin in nature. Yin energy is more feminine, is related to dark, moon, earth, north, west and right. Yin signs are the even numbered ones. Those belonging to yin energy have a tendency to be more passive and introverted.

Crystals that help Taurus


The birthstone of May, this stone is a symbol of love and good fortune. This stone is used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. It used against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination. Most effective on the Heart Chakra perhaps because it access desires held deep within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance…


The birthstone of April, this stone powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts/attitudes of user, other gems, and wearer’s strengths and weaknesses. Allows prosperity, generosity/ vs. miserly; love vs. distrust; overview, spirituality vs. lust, immediate gratification. Used with loving, clear intent it clears blocks, opens the Crown Chakra inviting spiritual love, peace, clarity, trust, and confidence.


An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit.

Rose Quartz

This crystal represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it’s soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves…


This stone protects the heart, enhances creativity and working with spirit guides. It has a concentrated ability to dissolve emotional blockage. It’s a particularly effective crystal for emotional healing and is especially helpful when worn for this purpose or placed on the heart center during Chakra balancing. It helps to balance the emotions…


This stone represents a gentle yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Rhodochrosite is the “Stone of Love and Balance”. Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse and incest. Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues…


Quartz is the Master Healer and the “stone of power”! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony.  Assimilating to the needs of our own body, quartz actually resonates…


This stone teaches the wearer to surrender and release, bringing balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Together with aventurine, they create a bond and connection to the earth.  The stone of transformation, spirituality and dream recall. Amethyst is the stone of transformation from all addiction, promoting inner peace. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions.

The Lucky Taurus

Luck. What exactly is luck? Is luck being at the right place at the right time? Finding that lucky penny? Always landing on your feet? Finding a four leaf clover? Discovering bird droppings on your shoulder? What ever your idea of luck, research has found that people are divided.

Taurus are lucky people. You are resourceful, thorough, dependable and responsible. These traits make you a lucky soul. Your resourceful nature is the key to your good luck and the ability to make it bend to your will. What can get in your way of being lucky is your stubborn, inflexible nature. Your lucky number is six – vibrates to Venus – and is ruler of Taurus and Libra. Venus is the sexual female, receptivity, attraction, art, culture, beauty, money and harmony. Friday, which is the day of Venus, is your day to work on manifesting money, appreciating the arts, honoring your beauty by taking care of yourself. Your lucky number is the number of love and romance. It is the number of balance and harmony. Most crystals possess six facets. A six crystal will help you bring into balance your relationship with yourself and therefore, with others opening your heart to unconditional love and money.   Now get lucky!

Money and Taurus

Money is your reward for hard work. Some important values about money include giving, sharing, accepting compliments and recognizing new beginnings.

Taurus rules financial matters. Shrewd in business, banking and spinning your finances, you are a wiz in budgeting, earning and negotiating. You are good at acquiring properties, stocks, bonds and other possessions that can make you money. On the other hand, you can also be miserly and unwilling to spend money on items you deem unnecessary, especially when it is for you. Your wealth is how you extend your personality into the world. This includes material and immaterial things of a certain value including money belongings, property and acquisitions. It is how you define your personal security.  Now get money!

Taurus and Career

Abundance is a long lasting, enduring enjoyment of life. It is being in love with living. Your career should be something you absolutely love doing. Since we spend the majority of our lives working, why would you ever just do something to get by. Life is much too short to not be doing something that brings you joy and happiness, reward and fulfillment, pride and satisfaction!

Taurus are hard workers. You are the builders of the astrological belt. You can always be counted on to get the job done. You are at your best when you are working at your own pace and not being mirco-managed. You are efficient, thorough and driven! Your need for long-term financial security and a strong safety net, pushes you forward in achieving your goal. You are attracted to careers that have security and benefits. Financial advisor, manager or banker peak your interest. You are organized and pay attention to details, which make you a great teacher, librarian, secretary or assessor. You also have a secret, creative streak that you channel into hobbies such as writing, painting or gardening.   Now find success!

Happiness and Taurus

Happiness is an expression of gratitude. Research has found that a great deal of unhappiness stems from negative thoughts. Happiness is not just a life lived by accumulating moments of pleasure. Happiness is a rhythm, an order, a balance. We choose to be happy.

Taurus can be happy people. You are most happy when you have your material comforts around you. You strive for security in all things… money, home, relationships, work… and you sacrifice everything to make it happen. You guard and protect your happiness very closely and whenever you feel someone is trying to undermine it, you charge, horns first, toward the situation. You are most happy when you are cozy, secure and homesteaded. Your home life is very important and you keep your home just the way you like it in order to bring warmth and safety to yourself and your loved ones. Your passion for nature, gardening and all things beautiful, make your green thumb a gift you utilize all the time. You work toward a lifestyle of simple self-sufficiency. On the other hand, you can be extremely possessive, controlling and self-indulgent. Your stubborn personality makes it difficult to move on, let go or get past issues that may dismantle your ideas of how things should be. Change is not an easy thing for fixed signs. Living by the mantra “no expectations, endless possibilities” would be an important belief that could help bring peace of mind.  Now find happiness!

Sex and Taurus

Our “sexual-esteem” or positive reverence for and confidence in our capability to experience our sexuality in a satisfying and enjoyable way are all a part of our sexual health and a very important part of our well being. Our most sexual organ is the brain! Our minds can create the most perfect fantasies or sexual relationship. It is the power of our minds that can enhance the desired sexual experiences and is what realizes our sexual pleasure.

Taurus is sensible and selective. You pursue your sexual interests with caution and high standards. You are sensual without being flirtatious. You have a natural warmth that people tend to be attracted to. Your selective persona keeps you from having many partners and relationships as you proceed slowly through the gamet of hopeful prospects looking for someone who is secure, financially stable, a good provider, as well as, someone who shares your dreams and aspirations. You are sensually stimulated by all your senses and your ruling planet of Venus envokes your earthy desires for erotic pleasures. You are drawn in by romantic music, soothing candlelight, savory food and tactile connections. This foreplay is essential in order for your suitor to obtain your great strength and deserved loyalty.   Now get sex!

On the Edge: Born on the Cusp

If you were born within a few days of the Sun’s movement from one zodiac sign to the next, this means you were born “on the cusp,” and you’ll feel the influence from both zodiac signs.  This combination creates a “personality type” that makes you unique!

Cusp of Taurus and Aries
April 17 to April 22

Known as the cusp of Power, the elements of fire and earth create a successful, powerhouse of energy, leadership and can steam-roll the road to success.  You are a definitive source to be admired.

Your ram-side, gives you great energy, pushing you forward towards every goal.  Your bull-side, offers up practicality and takes care of all the details.

You are a personality with two signs,  both having a set of horns. You are opinionated and controlling by nature. You watch others doing things, knowing you could do much better than they can. This makes your nature, doubly aggressive, so pulling back with some humility, will make you truly appealing.

You have a power personality.  You achieve goals and reach for the stars. You do it practically and with great intention. Your sign combination is a force to be reckoned with. You are a symbol to those who need drive and inspiration.

Cusp of Taurus and Gemini
May 17 to May 23

Known as the cusp of Energy, you are a consummated blend of physical strength and mental sharpness, which makes you a stable, yet driven force of nature, blending both earth and air to create a tornado of power and great resource!  You are a smart and communicative tool, which helps you get your point across, brilliantly.

A whirlwind of kinetic charging and chatting, you utilize the bull’s driving ability and desire to do it all with the twin’s adaptability to people and situations, non-stop to great advantage.

This burning of the candle at both ends, is what often gets you, Tauro-inis in hot water!  You can have it all, by learning to stop and listen once in a while.  Your success comes at these crossroads.

Meanwhile, utilize your famous combination of pleasure and loving traits by expanding your sensitivity towards others as you try understanding their feelings. It is this balance of yin energy and yang energy that will always make you admired!

Today’s Your Birthday

Happy Birthday!!

A birthday is a day or anniversary when we celebrate our special date of birth. Birthdays are a big deal. Monumental. Sacred. What could be bigger in your life than the day you were born?  Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party or rite of passage.

At Peacefulmind.com, we are all about the rituals of honoring, empowering and enlightening your life.  You will find specific information that is JUST FOR YOU!

Discover more rituals done around the world!

Your Personal Birth Chart

A birth chart, also called natal chart, shows the positions of the stars in a chart drawn for the exact time of your birth at a particular place on Earth for the purposes of gaining more insight as to who you are. Because the sun, moon, planets, and primary angles in the sky are constantly in motion relative to the earth, as each second passes the natal/astrological birth chart is changing and a new chart is created for every moment at each location. A natal chart is extremely personal and unique, depending on the specific date, exact time, and precise location of the birth.

Discover more about who you are…

Your Relationship Charts

Now, you can take it one step further and calculate the astrological compatibility between yourself and another person. Tonio will compareyour birth chart to the birth chart of your love and provide an in-depth analysis.

Tonio’s unique method is based on the psychology of each sign. We all know that each sign has their specific traits. We also know that each sign is influenced by their associated planets, moon andsun signs. Sun sign compatibility takes into account only one of hundreds of compatibility factors. Many other factors are involved when evaluating the compatibility of two people.

Are you both compatible?

Private Reading w/Tonio!

As one of the most renowned, astrological intuitives on love relationships, Tonio has, for over 20 years, become most noted for his “Celestial Relationships“(tm) and finding the right astrological combination for YOU!

With “Celestial Relationships“(tm), there is no judgement when it comes to the astrological sciences. Tonio works on the energetic relationships between two people! By planning your life around your celestial connections, it can be so easy to create a harmonic work environment, a wonderful companion and even a good association with your family!

Get your in depth reading…


Study Energy Medicine at Home

The Peacefulmind.com Homestudy Courses make it possible for anyone to study energy medicine at home, on your time!  These certifications programs are offered by the National Association of Holistic Wellness


*The Crystal Astrologer Course – Sourcing Astrological Answers Through Crystals, is the culmination of years of research and clinical study that Andrew has done in his NYC practice with his own patients. In this study course we will use crystals for astrological exploration, divination, crystal remedies and many other uses. Crystals have been used for astrological divination throughout the centuries for their subtle vibrational nature, which is thought to be linked to the vibrational powers of the cosmos. Crystals open a path to self-discovery, wisdom and inner knowledge, as well as tuning us into our own intuition. Want to know more?

*The Crystal Divination Workbook: This is Andrew’s NEW workbook, which utilizes the power of crystals for divination purposes! Andrew includes in this workbook: crystal grids, pendulum work and techniques, metaphysical properties of crystals, his Crystal Oracle Cards…and much more! Want to know more?

*Transitions: The Transformational Guide and Workbook for Creating Great Health This is the culmination of years of Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. clinical work. This is a manual you can use, whether you are healthy or ill or somewhere in between and you want to re-balance your mind, body and spirit to become the whole person you can be! This workbook gives you a plan to take care of yourself. It can be used over and over to find balance and keep yourself as healthy as possible. It gives you “tools” to use when and where you need them. It helps to evaluate where you are in your journey and offers ways to get you exactly where you want to be! Want to know more?

*The “Color Elite” Color Therapy Certification Course Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has finally published his most complete healing course using the power of color and light therapy. This ultimate guide to chromotherapy teaches you about color and every aspect of it, how it is used in different therapeutic settings and how it has become such a great healing modality, no matter what profession you are in you will learn how to incorporate color into your daily life! Want to know more?

*The Crystal Light Crystal Therapy Course This incredible course is our biggest and most popular course on the internet! This is the study of crystals and how to heal with earth’s precious gems! Want to know more?

*Chakracology – A Workbook and Manual This workbook format allows you to look at the energy of the Chakra and how they affect us on a daily basis. The book allows you to work through each center on a mental, spiritual, as well as a physical level and then find ways to re-align, balance and manage your energy in a positive way! Want to know more?

*The Healing Art of Touch – Massage Therapy Homestudy Learn the art of touch and massage therapy through Andrew’s very extensive course. Complete anatomy lessons, varied techniques and amazing information is offered in this course. Also learn the business aspects of massage, how to cope with clients that are difficult and energy transference are just a few of the many topics covered! Want to know more?

*What’s Your Heart Telling You? Finding Love and Romance – The Workbook and Journal Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has now published his newest work based on years of personal intimacy, clinical experience, counseling and client research on the ways to navigate love, sex, romance and relationships in a modern day world. Andrew has devised this very thorough workbook and journal with questionnaires, exercises, quotes, tips, meditations, feng shui, aromatherapy, massage and herbal applications for creating the perfect scenario for finding, coping and keeping love in your life! Want to know more?

*The Feng Shui Journal The Peacefulmind.com Feng Shui Journal makes it possible for you to improve relationships, maximize career potential and enhance your environment! * We are honored to offer the Feng Shui Journal for beginner to advanced Feng Shui practitioners. This journal covers an extensive background on Feng Shui techniques history, usage, clearing, cleansing, manifesting and helpful information in order to bring balance back into your life! Want to know more?



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