
9th Moon of the Celtic Year – (Aug 5 – Sept 1) (The Knower) – Organized, attention to detail, scientific. The Hazel has associations with manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, divination-dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, marriage, reconciliation, fertility, intelligence, inspiration and wrath.

Hazelnuts are believed to carry great wisdom within them. Favoring damp places, hazel trees are connected to water and said to be able to “choose where water lays” through the dowsing with its branches.

Hazel has the gift of several talents from exuding wisdom, resitting poetry, performing divination and the powers of mediation. These talents can be a channel for creative energies, especially that which allows you to inspire or increase these capacities among others, through your work, interests and pursuits. Born under this sign, your wisdom gives you the ability to communicate ideas, making you capable of transforming the thoughts and opinions of others.

The Hazel allows you to be a catalyst of these transformations, working though intuition. During this time of year, you can focus on gaining wisdom and absorbing knowledge. Gain this by using your intention to heighten your senses and improve concentration.

The Hazel Moon was known to the Celts as Coll, which translates to “the life force inside you”. This is the time of year when Hazelnuts are appearing on the trees, and are an early part of the harvest. Hazelnuts are also associated with wisdom and protection. Hazel is often associated in Celtic lore with sacred wells and magical springs containing the salmon of knowledge. This is a good month to do workings related to wisdom and knowledge, dowsing and divination, and dream journeys. If you’re a creative type, such as an artist, writer, or musician, this is a good month to get your muse back, and find inspiration for your talents. Even if you normally don’t do so, write a poem or song this month.

Ogham Alphabet: Coll
Meaning: Knower
Animal: Salmon
Crystal: Amethyst, Topaz, Pearl
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Symbolism: wisdom, divination, poetry, science, playfulness, enchantment, healing
Birds: Crane
Color: Orange
Deity: Hermes, Aemgus, Artemis, Diana
Folk Names: Coll


Learn more Celtic Astrology…


references: 1. rober graves, the white goddess, 2. https://www.thoughtco.com, 3. Celtic Oghms

9th Moon of the Celtic Year – (Aug 5 – Sept 1) (The Knower)

The Hazel Moon was known to the Celts as Coll, which translates to “the life force inside you”. This is the time of year when Hazelnuts are appearing on the trees, and are an early part of the harvest. Hazelnuts are also associated with wisdom and protection. Hazel is often associated in Celtic lore with sacred wells and magical springs containing the salmon of knowledge.

 In Celtic theology, the Aes Sidhe (Fairy) spirit lived in the hazel tree. They even named one of their gods after the hazel – Mac Coll or “son of the Hazel” – and he became one of the three earliest rulers of Ireland. The hazel tree was so important that anyone who cut it down could be sentenced to death.

This is a good month to do workings related to wisdom and knowledge, dowsing and divination, and dream journeys. The branch of a hazel tree has been used historically for dowsing or divining. Holding a pair of outstretched rods – traditionally a forked branch of hazel or willow, when manipulated by the diviner, twitches or inclines towards a place where a concealed spring or a metallic lot can be found.  Hazel trees are connected to water and said to be able to “choose where water lays” through the dowsing with its branches.


The Hazel has associations with manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, marriage, reconciliation, fertility, intelligence, inspiration and wrath. Hazel is often associated in Celtic lore with sacred wells and magical springs containing the salmon of knowledge. This is where the translation of “the life force inside you”, refers to how we manifest what we want in our lives for based on working with our own inner knowledge. We know more than we realize, but when we actually take a moment to look inside ourselves, we would be surprised as to what we can achieve.

The Celts believed you could gain great wisdom and knowledge of the arts and sciences by eating hazelnuts. The tree’s powers of wisdom were so great that Druids carried hazel wands when they had to settle arguments and administer law. Hazel leaves have been used to help varicose veins and improve circulation. Ground hazelnuts mixed with water and honey are an old folk remedy for treating coughs.

Completer Dream Kit

Bursting full of dream goodies for peaceful sleep, methods on how to sleep in order to interpret your nightly visions and tools for recalling your dreams. This kit includes our beautiful Dream Intention candle with a dream affirmation, a pouch full of crystals to help with peaceful sleep, dream recall, astral travel and coping with nightmares. A mini-dream catcher from the Onondaga Indian tribe, a personally chosen dream journal so that you can record and interpret your nightly dreams as well as, a pamphlet called “Get dreaming”.

Celtic Celestial Kit

Tools of nature for the purpose of empowerment! These beautiful hand-crafted pouches are filled with intention-specific herbs, a genuine gemstone, scented crafting candle and powerful, pure essential oils. The kit is designed to bring about positive energy and life encouraging change. We include complete instructions brimming with secrets, insights, and guidance directly from the most helpful and wise of all….nature! Unearth and reclaim your potent enchantment with these kits: Deep Cleansing: This kit will teach you how to de-clutter, de-stress. Natural Dreams : This kit is helpful when you need to get back to nature and a more peaceful sleep. Love’s Journey: This kit will bind together and bring about the strongest connection to you and your deepest love intentions. Aura Protector: This kit repels negativity and malicious energies by encouraging the positive thoughts and actions of yourself. 

Fantastical Fairy Candles

Based on the Celtic history of the Fairy World, these enchanted candles are a three in one gift! It is the mysterious power of intention that embody these fragrant candles which are accompanied by a beautifully made, heavy duty pewter fairy necklace! This corked bottle of fairy dust, adds to these colorful candles with informative labeling, symbolic meaning and a burn time of about 40- 60 hours! A 3-in-1 gift: you get the candle, the necklace and the empowering affirmation! These aromatherapy pillar candles measure 1.5 x 6 inches tall. They are palm wax, lead free, hand poured and made in the USA.

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