Dream Castles, Creatures and Caligraphy

~ Dream colors, crosses and chocolate and some of our most powerful symbols in our nightly adventures!

~ What dreams may come…

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

* How to write a dream journal  |  * Famous dreams interpreters  |  * dream archetypes | * most common dreams


Cab, (Taxi)

A taxi cab and other forms of transportation, represent our journeys in life. A cab ride is often a short journey and shows us a tiny portion of our life along the way. Dreams of either a smooth or bumpy ride is synonymous with the experience we are currently having in life. We are most often a passenger in the journey so we are allowing someone else to take the responsibility for this action. Are you dependent on others in your waking life? Are you being driven around by those you may not necessarily know very well? Is your cab speeding? Then you are at a race to achieve your goals. Is the cab stuck in traffic? Look around, does this mirror your life? The other factor is a cab is the meter. The meter is always running. As in life, it is the ticking away of our life clock and the path we are taking to get there. Is the meter running higher and higher? Do you not have enough money to pay it? Look at your financial matters in waking life? What seems out of control? Are you a backseat driver in the dream? Telling the cab driver where to go? Issues of control, perhaps? Or are you the cab driver and the back seat passenger is barking instructions at you? Is someone pushing you in a direction you do not necessarily want to go? Pay attention to the details. See also transportation.


Dreams of vegetables, plants and vegetation represent a dreamers potential for growth, nourishment and abundance. Robust, health vegetation is synonymous with the life and health of your life and that around you. In contrast, weak, dry, rotting, decaying or underdeveloped vegetation all symbolize our current state of health, wealth or well-being. Cabbage is a hardy and full vegetable that starts from a tiny seed and grows into a large and heavy “head” that is picked at the peak of Fall.


The prickly cactus, a desert plant, lives in a dry climate, therefore, it is a survivor and fights the intense elements around it to survive. Dreams of a cactus can represent your fortitude with a situation. The needles can represent your “stand offish” approach and/or a way to protect yourself. The cactus is also a hidden healer. As are many of the plant kingdom, so the hidden abundance and healing properties may not be so obvious, but nevertheless, as important.

Caduceus: (see also, Symbols)

Any symbol in a dream, must be looked at within the context of that dream. As symbols have many different meanings, it is best to discern how to interpret your dream by trying to understanding the connection between the symbol and it’s dream meaning. The caduceus is rich in symbolism. The elements include the serpent (wrapped in opposite directions represent polar opposites and balance), the circle (universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, the goddess/female power (moon) the god/male power (sun)), the spiral (representing the never-ending cycles of growth, change and eternal life), the infinity symbol (which stands for completeness and perfection), the wings (a symbol of flight, intuition, spirituality and communication) and the wand (or staff, which means power, authority, the control over supernatural and magical forces and is the tool of magicians, medicine men and shaman). Together, this symbol is one of wisdom, great knowledge and medicine, as found in the tree of life, the world axis and healing.


Candles have lit our way through every transition! From celebrations and ceremonies to proclamations and processions! The candle’s flame has always been a metaphor for the soul! It possesses a tranquil and almost hypnotic atmosphere to those who allow its power to take them to a very special place. A candle acts as a “self object”. A self object is an object that is a reflection of our self, a reflection upon which we can act. The candle reflects the spiritual and ethical changes we would like to bring about in ourselves. It burns as a reminder and symbol of our desires. Sometimes we have to hand our dreams over to a force more powerful than we are.


Speed, size, color… Freud saw the car as a symbol of sexuality and moreover masculinity. When a man dreams about a car it has to do with issues of masculinity, power and class. When women dream about cars it can relate to their own appeal towards men or their ambitions. A car and other forms of transportation, represent our journeys in life. Dreams of either a smooth or bumpy ride are synonymous with the experience we are currently having in life. Are you the driver of the car? Do you feel in control? Is there a back seat driver commanding instructions from behind you? Is someone pushing you in a direction you do not necessarily want to go? Are you being driven in the car? So are you being driven around by those you may not necessarily know very well? Is your car speeding? Then you are at a race to achieve your goals. Is the car stuck in traffic? Look around, does this mirror your life? Are you a backseat driver in the dream? Telling the driver where to go? Issues of control, perhaps? Driving down an open road? Your feelings of freedom and your ability to express yourself are easy. A car accident can signify the lack of control, poor judgment and confusion around your present situation. See also automobile, transportation.

Cardinal Directions: (see also, Symbols)

Any symbol in a dream, must be looked at within the context of that dream. As symbols have many different meanings, it is best to discern how to interpret your dream by trying to understanding the connection between the symbol and it’s dream meaning. No matter what your tradition or location on Earth, the four cardinal directions are relevant in every culture, clan and society. Throughout history, every culture has a significant relationship with the directions, assigning them a color, emotion, season and other metaphysical meanings. Some cultures, such as the Chinese and certain Native American cultures, recognize five principal directions including North, South, East, West


Cats are most associated with wisdom, knowledge, good luck symbolism (unless they are black and cross your path) and the feminine aspect of our psyche. Intuition, psychic dreams and female independence are connected to cats. How do you see them in your dreams? What are they doing? What color are they? These are all individual symbols you should pay attention to. Cats have been worshiped in some cultures and have been seen as the holders of the mysteries of life, death and rebirth. Your connection to cats in your waking life, often bring forth your emotions in dreams. Fear of cats can indicate can be interpreted as a fear of death, bad luck (as in black cats, above) or a lack of personal strength. A scratching cat indicates your own self-defense. A cat that is chased or killed can be an indicator of bad luck or potential threat. A love for cats offers a new look at life, Cats have a notion of possessing nine lives and seeing this in a dream can denote your overcoming of obstacles. Cats are associated with fertility, new life or new beginnings and the foretelling of good luck, monetary gain or personal triumph. Cat’s eyes offer light or “illumination” in a dark situation. The meow of a cat, can be seen as those talking about you behind your back.

Celtic Cross: (see also, Cross)

Any symbol in a dream, must be looked at within the context of that dream. As symbols have many different meanings, it is best to discern how to interpret your dream by trying to understanding the connection between the symbol and it’s dream meaning. The Celtic Cross or Ring Cross, offers unification, totality, wholeness and inclusion. It was most often used as a grave marker representing hope, life, honor and faith. The Celtic cross meaning also deals with the transition of the seasons, and even mark the four Celtic fire festivals (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltain, Lughnasadh). In Ireland, a very early version of the Celtic Cross was discovered. This cross did not have its arms extending outside the circle and was considered the Wheel Cross, Odin’s Cross or the Sun Cross. This cross represented the Sun King, the powers of ancient astrology and the Earth (in the center of the cross) along with the four elements.


A centaur is a mythological creature with the head, arms, and torso of a human and the body and legs of a horse. This half-human and half-horse has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, or as teachers. The centaurs were usually said to have been born of Ixion and Nephele (the cloud made in the image of Hera). Another version, however, makes them children of a certain Centaurus, who mated with the Magnesian mares. This Centaurus was either himself the son of Ixion and Nephele or of Apollo and Stilbe, daughter of the river God Peneus. This fantastical creature has a deep connection between man and horse. In dreams and throughout history, he has been known as the symbol of lust, with his arrow representing ejaculation and his body representing power. He is canonized in the Universe as one of the 12 astrological signs, Sagittarius. Often seen with a sad face in artwork which represents his known struggle between his lust and brute force and his need for balance with his spirituality. Therefore, he really represents the struggle humans go through between spirit and physicality, intuition and knowledge and conscious and unconscious.


A Chalice (from Latin calix, or Greek kalyx, shell, husk) is a goblet or footed cup intended to hold a drink. In general religious terms, it is intended for drinking during a ceremony. In Christian denominations, a chalice is a standing cup used to hold sacramental wine during the Eucharist (also called the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion). the Holy Chalice is the vessel which Jesus used at the Last Supper to serve the wine. An entirely different and pervasive tradition concerns this same cup. In this version, the vessel is known as the Holy Grail. In this legend, Jesus used the cup at the Last Supper to institute the Mass. Other stories claim that Joseph of Arimathea used the cup to collect and store the blood of Christ at the Crucifixion. In Wicca a chalice, as a feminine principle, is often used in combination with the Athame (ceremonial black-handled knife), as male principle. Combining the two evokes the act of procreation, as a symbol of universal creativity. This is a symbol of the Great Rite in Wiccan rituals.


Being chased in your dream has much to do with the context it is seen in, which includes identifying the chaser. Who is chasing you? Is it a male, female, animal, or an unknown being? Generally, being chased means that you are being told by your unconsciousness that you’re avoiding an issue or a person. It may refer to running from your own emotions, due to fear of something or someone. Identifying this fear helps you get to the root of the problem. You may be avoiding something fearful, painful, or irritating that bothers you in waking life. When you are being chased by one person in a dream, it is sometimes thought of as a fear of relationship or intimacy. Being chased by a group of people can indicate a fear of being overtaken or over whelmed. It can also mean that you do not seem to have a say in a certain important matter. There is often a feeling of being threatened. You are over whelmed by work, have a fear of someone in particular or missed a deadline or opportunity.

Dreaming about chasing someone else also has to do with the person you are chasing and the reason you are chasing them. Start by identifying the person you are chasing. The common theme of this chase is often associated with someone you admire or are interested in. It can also refer to you chasing apart of your psyche or emotion that you wish to overcome. When you are chasing something and do not know what it is, this can often mean that you need a clarification of your goal in waking life. What are you chasing after? What do you desire that makes you want to run after it? Consider the end result. Did you finish the chase? Were you caught or did you catch what you were after?


Dreams of a chicken can represent easy availability. They represent fortune in love, joy and happiness in all aspects of your life. These female birds are the workers. Unlike their male counterpart, the rooster, “being chicken” also is associated with being afraid. Their flighty nature has them in every direction looking for something. In ourselves it often means looking for our own strength, will power or confidence.


To dream of a chimney represents pleasure, entertainment, or enjoying one’s self without a obligation. This dream symbolizes your comfort in knowing that what you like always works for you. A chimney stands alone with silent pride and may reflect your power which is never questioned or never embarrassing. Never caring about other’s opinions. If you dream of a chimney on a factory, it refers to unexpected money coming your way. That is sometimes why a chimney may reflect those you feel “have it all”. A smoking chimney represents good news on its way. But a blocked chimney refers to repeated issues that keep coming up in your life, which do not allow you to live freely. You can’t sit back and relax. Seeing a crumbling chimney in your dreams means that you have the inability to see yourself with love and respect. Is it time to fix that chimney?

Chimney sweep

Within the English and Eastern European cultures, chimney sweeps are believed to pass on good luck to those they meet, especially when you shake hands with one. They would clean the chimneys with very special long brooms with round brushes that would scrap the inside walls of the chimney.


Considered an aphrodisiac, chocolate has a connotation of sweet dreams and sexual encounters. According to its dream context, chocolate, the most popular sweet given as a gesture of love, chocolate by its name alone, conjures up sensuality. Given the fact that the melting point of chocolate is 98.6 (the same as our body temperature), it is no wonder the sweet taste of milk chocolate or slightly bitter taste of dark chocolate brings about the feelings of a forbidden act as it melts in your mouth! Rich in phenylethylamine, it works like natural neurotransmitter dopamine with epinephrine (also known as adrenalin) creating an elevation of senses and feelings of well being.

Cho Ku Rei: (see also, Reiki Symbols)

Used by reiki practitioners to increase the power available to them and to help focus their energy for physical healing. The meaning of this symbol is “place the power of the Universe here”. Used also as a form of meditation, before and after a treatment. Use this symbol for “awakening the Light from within and from above.”


A perfectly drawn circle in your dream is a prediction of many good things to come, and prosperity beyond measure. If the circle is wobbly, or appears to be a child’s drawing, you will still reach your goals but you will have troubles on the way to it. If the circle is broken, it denotes failed marriages. A circle is a symbol of wholeness, infinity, the goddess and female power (moon) the god and male power (sun). The perfect circle has no beginning and no end. It is the basis for the wheel. It is the basis of 100’s of symbols. See symbols.

Claddagh: (see also, Good Luck)

Hands/heart, the Claddagh’s symbolism incorporates the heart for love, the hands for friendship and the crown for loyalty. Chosen for true love symbolism and marriage (seen in wedding bands), this particular symbol was designed in Galway, Ireland in the 17th century. The elements involved in this symbol, however date back to the Romans, who had a popular ring design with clasped hands called The Fede, meaning fidelity.


Dreams of a clam represent dealings with an obstinate but honest person. Dreaming of clams associated with your life, can mean that you will enjoy a comfortable life by shutting others out. Often, the dreamer has feelings insecurity, having trouble revealing themselves or their life or showing someone something that is important to them.


Chinese and Western cultures have a long history associated with coins and good luck. In the West it is considered lucky to throw coins into wells and fountains, while in China the depiction of a metal coin (qian), sometimes portrayed as multiple coins intertwined, is thought to bring about prosperity and longevity. Coin themes vary in dreams. When you dream of flipping a coin or playing heads or tails with a coin, this represents your casual attitude about the outcome. Letting go and letting life and/or fate choose for you. Finding coins in your dream means finding a positive attitude or “silver lining” about a particular problems you may be concerned about. It is power gained or freedom obtained. Stacking coins represents your awareness of having more of something than you did before and the pride associated with it.  The coin is another name for the pentacle symbol in the minor arcana of the Tarot cards


Do we dream in color? What are the colors of your dreams?  How does color play an important part of each symbol or archetype in your dreams or visions?  Understand the color energy within your dreams to enhance your dream interpretations.

Love, passion, energy, enthusiasm, courage, strength, radiant health. Also good for protection against psychic attack, physical harm and to conquer fear of any kind. Red is the power of strength, blood, family, grounding and rooting into the earth.

Symbolizes the Sun of midsummer. A color of great power. Enthusiasm, fun, vitality, stimulation, adaptability, attraction and friendship. Use for bringing success, or to draw/attract good things and friendly people.

Clairvoyance, learning, mind and communication. Used in operations designed to convince the mind of another. Also to assist memory, healing, improve business, success in the performing arts, promote cheerfulness in a grouchy person and chasing evil energies away.

Symbolizes nature and material gain. Healing, money, prosperity, luck, fertility, promote balance and harmony in an off balance situation, protection and calming. Other uses – For any circumstance requiring a healthier outlook, or a repeated or renewal of a desire or intention in order to perpetuate it, or protect it from deterioration.

Healing, meditation, tranquility and forgiveness. Use light blue for: devotion, inspiration, peace and blessings in the home, to keep a man or woman faithful. Use deep blue for: loyalty on a communal level, successful group enterprise and expansion. Blue is one of the most calming centering colors in the spectrum. It allows for mental wondering and a peaceful mind.

Purple (Indigo)/Violet
Intuition, dignity and spiritual shield, wisdom, idealism, psychic manifestation and spirit contact, spirituality, wisdom and psychic awareness. Typically used when great spiritual power is necessary. Effectively used against driving away evil, to breakup a jinxed condition, and for spiritual or psychic healing, or to throw up a veil of spiritual protection.

Protection, peace, sincerity, virtue of kinds, the highest spirituality, purity and truth. The balanced presence of all colors in synthesis.

Emotional love, friendships, gentleness, spiritual fulfillment, affection and harmony. Use for spiritual healing, break up bad prevailing conditions of many kinds, great joy and sensual pleasure.

Awareness, meditation, moon and creativity. This soothing combination of both green and blue create a color, which symbolizes ultimate healing. Calming, peaceful, gentle, cooling and non-threatening. Turquoise brings about change, allowing the mind to release and let go of blocked issues that prevent you from moving forward.

Absorption and destruction of negative energy. Represents the still of the night, the deep cold and tranquil waters, the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. Good for banishing rituals. Black releases whatever energies you have placed into it, when you charged it.

Symbolizes universal fraternity, great fortune. Use to promote understanding for divinatory rituals and bring about peace in a community in a group. Also used to bring fast luck.

Color of the soil/earth. Use in times of financial crises to attract money and financial success. Also used to attract the Earth Spirits, who must always be remunerated for their aid, and properly dismissed with a special ritual.  


Any symbol in a dream, must be looked at within the context of that dream. As symbols have many different meanings, it is best to discern how to interpret your dream by trying to understanding the connection between the symbol and it’s dream meaning.

This ancient symbol, which has been translated in hundreds of ways, shapes and interpretations is basically the crossing of one horizontal line and one vertical line. It is the symbol of the material world and the spiritual world crossing and meeting at a center point. By placing a cross into a circle, you are able to divide the circle equally. The cross represents the four elements and four directions. Anywhere in the world, the cross is a sign of protection. Below you will find variations of many crosses.

Ankh – An ancient Egyptian hieroglyph letter meaning “life”.

Brigid’s Cross – Although predating Christianity, this cross was given the name of St. Brigid in order to ease the acceptance of this religion.

Benedict’s Cross – Found in many variations dating back to the Celtic Cross or Sun Cross, St. Benedict and his very special Cross, which has very disctinct letters, hold the key to a powerful message.

Celtic Cross – also referred to as the Ring Cross or Sun Cross, it is found in Celtic lore, as a Chinese symbol for “thunder” and as the symbol for Earth in astrology.

Cross and Crown – A Christian symbol meaning your rewards are found in heaven.

Cross Lorraine – A symbol of spirit and matter. Associated with St. Joanne of Arc.

Inverted Cross – The cross originally chosen by St. Peter to be executed on, since he felt unworthy of being crucified on the same cross as Christ.

Jerusalem Cross – Originated by the Crusaders, it symbolizes the five wounds of Christ.

Leviathan Cross – In alchemy, it is the symbol for sulfur. The cross symbolizes double protection and infinity.

Orthodox Cross – A version of the cross of Christ, with a footrest at the bottom and a sign at the top with initials I.N.R.I.

Papal Cross – Three bar cross representing the three aspects of the power of the Pope and the Holy Trinity.

St. Andrew’s Cross – otherwise known as the Saltire, was the cross he was crucified on. Also found on the Scottish flag.

Tau Cross – otherwise known as the cross of St. Francis, it is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet, the basis for the Ankh symbol and found as far back as the Sumerian culture.

Templar Cross – This cross has many names throughout history but essentially stands for life, death and rebirth.


Considered one of the seven magic metals, copper occurs naturally as native copper and was known to some of the oldest civilizations on record. It has a history of use that is at least 10,000 years old and estimates of its discovery place it at 9000 BC in the Middle East. A copper pendant was found in northern Iraq that dates to 8700 BC. There is evidence that gold and meteoric iron (not iron smelting) were the only metals used by humans before copper. Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper is essential to all living organisms as a trace dietary mineral because it is a key constituent of the respiratory enzyme complex cytochrome C oxidase. The main areas where copper is found in humans are liver, muscle and bone. Metaphysically, copper is ruled by Venus and corresponds to amethyst, and is associated with the astrological houses are Taurus and Libra. It is sacred to the Goddess and Oya. Use for money and fertility. The metal copper has a great connecting power. It easily combines with other metals and it easily transfers warmth and electricity. It therefore, encourages the connection with love and sensuality, friendship, positive relationships of any kind, negotiations and peace. (See also, copper).

Corn Doll

From the Native Indian to the Celtic culture, the corn doll is associated with the “spirit of the harvest”. Corn dolls or a corn dolly was often made at the end of harvest, Mabon or Autumn Equinox in order to “capture the spirit of the crops”. They were brought in doors for the winter, to protect the “harvest spirit” and then plowed back into the ground at the start of the next season. The dollies were often made into the “old crone” representing the aspects of the Harvest Goddess. In Scotland, it was customary for young girls to make a corn dolly during Imbolc, the mid-way point between Winter and Spring, and place it in a Bride’s Bed. This was a basket dressed up with reeds, ribbons or lace and a blanket in the bottom to place the doll on. The doll and basket would be taken from house to house as a blessing from St. Brigid.


The Cougar is synonymous with the jaguar and panther, representing leadership, courage, wild beauty and grace. Enemies will fail in attempts to injure you or attempts to take you down. In Native American cultures, this cat is referred to the creature who “kills with one blow”. The Mayan culture believed that their valued maize fields where guarded by four jaguars. Often seen in with the image of the Goddess of the Moon, Diana, a dog/cougar/jaguar/panther stands guard along side her. The Greek word panthera, means all beast.


If you are dreaming of a cow, this represents calm, slowness and maternity. Farm animals have qualities representing both domesticity and wildness. Docile and productive. Great prosperity in all ventures but watch out your own affairs carefully. Cows promise abundant fulfillment of hopes and desires. They often live in herds, are bred and reared for slaughter and are often fenced into a limited and often unnatural environment. Your attitude about ANY animal will depend on your own personal belief about them. So always look to your belief regarding any animal in a dream.


In Native American culture these animals represent the Trickster. Rogue, wild animals who represent a thief. This means doomed for disappointment or serious disaster ahead, IF you are not cautious and aware. A coyote will go after prey that is weaker then themselves. Since their prey is unable to fight back, it makes it easier for this cowardly animal to take advantage of the situation. In your dreams, it is much the same meaning. Coyotes have the gift of deception and in you dreams can represent a person who is “two-faced” or one who deceives .


The introspective and in tune crab is one of the most famous along the belt of the zodiac! Crabs represent emotionally sensitive. They are a symbol of domestication and defensiveness. Crabs are naturally protective. Dreams of a crab can be associated with protecting one’s self or being protective. Crabs are symbolic of sensitivity, tenaciousness, retentiveness, and being resourceful. A crab is self-contained and dreams of yourself with others can be related to family and or home orientation. A crab dream can represent maternal security and warmth. Ruled by the moon and the water element, a dream of a crab can mean a sign of extreme emotions. Crabs in water can find your emotions washing over you, sometimes very unexpectedly. Their shell represents their home, which they always carry with them, as this animal loves a safe, peaceful home. There is a dual introverted-extroverted nature about Crabs. They love to pop out of their shell and be around others, even crowds. In the same token, they can be pop back into their shell and feel safe and protected, isolating themselves back in their environment where they can recharge.

Crescent Moon and Star

The Crescent Moon and Star is probably one of the most famous moon symbols and has been used since ancient times. The crescent represents the changing shape of the moon, as well as its return back to the same shape. Like the moon, the symbol relates to the feminine powers and the element of water. The Greeks used this symbol to represent the Virgin, Goddess Artemis, who in the Roman tradition was referred to as the Goddess Diana. She was usually depicted as holding a crescent or wearing one on her head. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, Diana, Minerva and Vesta, who swore never to marry. In Hinduism, the crescent moon is the symbol of Shiva, the God of Transformation. The Carthaginians used it to represent their Goddess Tanit Astarte, the Queen of Heaven and in Egypt, the upturned crescent was associated with the Goddess Isis. Inheriting this symbolism from the past, Christian iconography of the crescent and star has come to represent the Virgin Mary. Sometimes referred to as the Star of the Sea, she appears standing on a crescent moon with a star in the background. This crescent moon, resting on its back, is also considered the symbol of the Chalice. The “Star of the Sea” reference was also carried over to the African Goddess of the Sea, Yemaya. Representing the High Priestess in the Tarot, she is associated with intuition, mystery and the powerful unconscious. The Crescent Moon and Star is one of the most iconic images in Islam. It represents paradise, resurrection, openness and concentration. Many stories relate to its origin, but one of the most famous stories refers to one of the founders of the Ottoman Empire, Osman, who had a dream in which the crescent moon stretched across the sky. He therefore, kept the existing Moon Goddess symbol and made it the Empire’s new adopted emblem. The symbol has been used by cities and to commemorate battles. It has been imprinted on coins and flown on flags. See also Archetypes (Mother), MoonMoonsigns, Women


The Chinese and Mediterranean cultures consider the cricket good luck in some countries. In China, crickets are sometimes kept in cages to keep good luck around. They are considered a sign of death and resurrection In Japan, crickets are connected to the moon. To hear a cricket foretells some very sad news concerning the death of a distant friend.


The Crone symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the moon.  The crone is a character in folklore and fairy tales, an old woman. In some stories, she is disagreeable, malicious, or sinister in manner, often with magical or supernatural associations that can make her either helpful or obstructing. The Crone is also an archetypal figure, a Wise Woman. The terminology goes back to mid-twentieth century in England. In their view, sexuality, pregnancy, breastfeeding, along with other female reproductive processes are ways that women may embody the Goddess, making the physical body sacred. The Crone represents the embodiment of wisdom, the truth in repose, and the proponent of death and endings She is represented by the waning moon. (See also Triple Goddess   and The Goddess Experience)


A cup or vessel is associated with the element of water. Cups signify our emotions, imagination and intuition. A cup can represent the fullness of satisfaction or the disillusion of disappointment, as in the “cup half full or half empty.” A cup represents all that we take in. It is a simple of abundance and fruitfulness. The sharing of a cup is a social interaction and depends on whom you share it with. This often represents the communion or union of those who share the same belief or ideas. The cup can also be seen as a receptive attitude or femininity especially associated with the womb. A cup can mean receptivity or pouring your heart out, releasing emotions, or pouring oneself out in prayer. The cup is one of the 4 Suits in the Tarot deck. It is a series of cards in a deck representing our emotions from new feeling of love or new beginnings, withdrawal, sadness and illusion to empathy, fulfillment, romance and spirit quest. The contents of the cup can say a lot about what you are feeling, how you relate to it and how you relate to others. A broken cup represents the feeling of being broken inside or a lack of self-worth. Sharing a broken cup with someone can show a “crack” in that relationship. The shape of the cup can mirror your body image, the emotion of feeling empty (vacant) or full (satisfied).

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