by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac. ~

Vitamins are potent organic compounds, which are found in small concentrations in foods. They perform specific and vital functions in the body chemistry. They are like electric sparks which help to run human motors.

Vitamins are potent organic compounds, which are found in small concentrations in foods. They perform specific and vital functions in the body chemistry. They are like electric sparks which help to run human motors. Except for a few exceptions, they cannot be manufactured or synthesized by the organism and their absence or improper absorption results in specific deficiency disease. It is not possible to sustain life without all the essential vitamins. In their natural state they are found in minute quantities in organic foods. WE must obtain them from these foods or in dietary supplements.

Vitamins, which are of several kinds, differ from each other in physiological function, in chemical structure and in their distribution in food. They are broadly divided into two categories, namely, fat-soluble and water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are all soluble in fat and fat solvents and are therefore, known as fat-soluble. They are not easily lost by ordinary cooking methods and they can be stored in the body to some extent, mostly in the liver. They are measured in international units. Vitamin B Complex and C are water soluble. They are dissolved easily in cooking water. A portion of these vitamins may actually be destroyed by heating.

They cannot be stored in body and therefore, they have to be taken daily in foods. Any extra quantity taken in any one day is eliminated as waste. Their values are given in milligrams and micrograms, whichever is appropriate. Vitamins, used therapeutically, can be of immense help in fighting disease and speeding recovery. They can be used in two ways, namely, correcting deficiencies and treating disease in place of drugs.

Latest researches indicate that many vitamins taken in large doses far above the actual nutritional needs, can have a miraculous healing effect in a wide range of common complaints and illnesses. Vitamin therapy has a distinct advantage over drug therapy.

This is sourced through the FDA, The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, the American Dietetic Association and Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz’s book “YOU”. Remember, this is a guideline.

Multi-vitamin (B Complex requirements)
B vitamins* 25-50 milligrams (mg) Take this with 400 micrograms
[mcg] of folic acid.
Vitamin E 400 international units (IU)
The natural form of Vitamin E, d-alpha-tocopherol, is preferred.
Vitamin C (with rosehips) 2,000 – 4,000 mg (in divided doses)
Vitamin A (beta carotene) 5,000-10,000 IU
Calcium 1,500 mg (in divided doses, 1000mg in am, 500mg in pm)
Vitamin D 400 IU (divided doses with calcium and magnesium)
Magnesium 500 mg (divided doses with calcuim and Vitamin D, 250mg in am, 250mg in pm)
Iron 8 mg The recommendation for iron for women is 18 mg.
Iodine 150 mcg
Zinc 10-15 mg
Selenium 100-400 mcg
Copper 2 mg
Manganese 10 mg
Chromium 200 mcg
Molybdenum 25 mcg
Potassium 90 mg
Boron 50-100 mcg
Lycopene 5-10 mg
Lutein 25-50 mg
Polyphenols (green tea) 10-100 mg
Proanthocyanidins (grape seed, pine bark) 25-100 mg
Alpha-lipoic acid 200-1,500 mg
N-acetyl-cysteine 500-2,000 mg
Coenzyme Q 50-300 mg
Soy isoflavones 20-100 mg
L-Carnitine (500mg)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (250mg)
Coenzyme Q-10 (50mg)
Grape Seed Extract (50mg)
Turmeric (400mg)
L-glutamine (500mg)
Essential Oils (Fulfills daily Omega-3 requirements)
DMAE (100mg)

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