
5th  moon of the Celtic Year – (April 15 – May 12) (The Observer) – Patient, intelligent, information collector, modest. The melancholy weeping of this mourning tree often grows along the water and therefore, is associated with the Otherworld. The Willow has associations with enchantment, wishing, romantic love, healing, protection, fertility, magic for women, death, femininity, love, divination, friendship, joy, love, and peace.

The Celtic word “saille” became the word sally, meaning a sudden outburst of action, expression or emotion. Associated with mourning, because of its hanging branches, and therefore, it is also associated with death. Willows often grow near water, which may also be another reason why they are associated with the Underworld. Since willows are known for communication, this could be one reason why they were placed in graves in order to connect to the Otherworld.

The Ogham word has further connection to the Death Goddesses for the Celts. Morgan le FayCailleach and the Morrighan are symbolized by Willow. These Goddesses represent the darker and misunderstood components of the psyche that require our greater understanding and recognition. The fearful aspects of the Death Goddesses challenge wisdom and strength, helping to overcome weaknesses brought about by fear.

St.Brigid has Her Fire festival, Imbolc, or Brigantia, during the Willow month.

The Seneca Indians of North America seem to have had a lengthy relationship with this Tree, calling Her ‘The Whispering One’.

In Jerusalem, the worship of Jehovah, the Feast of Tabernacles, was called the Day of the Willows. Willow branches were carried in processionals, used to roof the small temporary shelters during the festivities; the branches were later burned in the Temples.

The Willow moon was known to the Celts as Saille, pronounced Sahl-yeh. The Willow grows best when there’s lots of rain, and in northern Europe there’s no shortage of that this time of year. This is a tree associated with healing and growth, for obvious reasons. A Willow planted near your home will help ward away danger, particularly the type that stems from natural disaster such as flooding or storms. They offer protection, and are often found planted near cemeteries. This month, work on rituals involving healing, growth of knowledge, nurturing and women’s mysteries.

Ogham Alphabet: Saille
Meaning: Observer
Animal: Cow
Crystal: Moonstone
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Symbolism: Resonance and Harmony
Birds: Hawk, Snowy Owl
Color: Silver
Deity: Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwen, Artemis, Selene, Luna, Diana, Brigit
Sabbat: Beltane
Folk names: Osier, Pussy Willow, Saille, Salicyn Willow, Saugh Tree, White Willow,
Witches Aspirin, Withe, Withy

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references: 1. rober graves, the white goddess, 2. https://www.thoughtco.com, 3. Celtic Oghms

5th moon of the Celtic Year – (April 15 – May 12) (The Observer)

The Willow Moon represents patience, intelligence, an information collector, and modesty. The melancholy weeping of this mourning tree often grows along the water and therefore, is associated with the Otherworld. The Willow has associations with the power of enchantment, wishing, romantic love, and healing. 

The willow is associated with the power of protection, fertility, and magic for women. It is the tree most connected to death, as it often grows by the river banks which is also a simple of crossing over. The willow is femininity, love, divination, friendship, joy, love, and peace. The Celtic word “saille” became the word sally, meaning a sudden outburst of action, expression or emotion. This month, work on rituals involving healing, growth of knowledge, nurturing and women’s mysteries.

In Memory Incense

Someone you know has died… a loved one, a pet, or dear friend and you want to honor them, but are unsure what to do. You may want to do something private, not drawing a lot of attention to the act, but you are unclear as to what that should be. You may want to consider these wonderful incense! These resin incense come in a 2 oz organza bag with complete instructions and 2 FREE charcoal discs in order to prepare and use your incense the minute you get them!

Celtic Moon Set

The 13 Celtic Moons are a reference to the calendar having 13 months of 28 days and an extra day posited as the “year and a day”. It begins with the winter solstice, in contrast to the tradition of Samhain as the Celtic New Year. This set takes you on a magical journey and meditation using crystals associated with each moon, birth month, and Sacred tree. You can use the crystals in many ways and the set comes with complete instructions. It includes 13 crystals associated with each moon. The set is complete with a Celtic Zodiac and organza bag for storage.

Loving Passion Crystal Tea

Loving Passion Tea – Stir up the passion of love and romance with this incredible blend of rose quartz and garnet with a blend of rose petals, hibiscus flower, hawthorn berry, damiana root and lavender. These pharmaceutical health blends of nature’s most appropriate herbs are combined to make these teas just right! Our delightful teas are sold by (1) pound bag with crystal net and 5 or 6 crystals! The “crystal net” comes with each pound of tea and is placed in the herbs as the crystal’s powers are “energetically” decocted along with the tea. Try these one of a kind blends and the most unique tea product you will ever have! Enjoy them HOT or ICED!   

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