
This stone is an excellent stone for healing. Wonderful for crystal massage. This is a stone that is said to encompass the energies of all the other crystals in the gem kingdom due to its rainbow colors! According to many different folklore, fluorite is the home of rainbows! This stone clears, cleanses, dispels, purifies and reorganizes anything in the body that is not in perfect order.

Properties: This is the best crystal for any kind of disorganization in your life. It helps to awaken suppressed feelings and combats narrow mindedness. Therefore, it is useful to promote unbiased impartiality. Fluorite draws away negative energies that surround you, overcoming chaos.

This is an important stone for grounding energies in order to recognize a sense of spirituality. Clearing the mind, it heightens intuitive power quickly awakening spiritual insight and sacred consciousness. Helps one become more aware of the higher levels of reality and can anchor and free one from over stimulation on the psychic plane. It helps us to link in to the Universal energy and therefore, it is especially good for groups of people (such as in a meditation circle, spiritual retreat, yoga class) as it brings Universal cohesiveness and stability. This stone is particularly good for those signs that do not have a real good grip on reality or tend to fantasize, getting lost in their own little worlds, such as ScorpioAquarius and Pisces. It helps one dissolve illusions, revealing truths (whether you want them or not….pay attention). Fluorite is a teaching stone. Bringing to the forefront that which we already know, yet may have forgotten along the journey in a well organized and simple process. It teaches the importance of balance. It is suggested using fluorite in conjunction with Calcite and Pyrite.

Folk Remedies: Fluorite is the stone of balance and coordination. It is a multi-level healing stone, encompassing all the other gemstones and their energies due to their rainbow of colors. Tonifies spleen, lungs, detoxification, anxiety, insomnia. Benefits the teeth and bones. People with arthritis, rheumatism, or spinal injuries have reported relief from their conditions when they employ fluorite in their healing regimen. Assists in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Helps one become more aware of the higher levels of reality.

Feng Shui: Can be used in any area of the house based on its color. Rainbow fluorite benefits best in the Center area for health, organization and balance.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 -3 and method 5 – 8

History: Fluorite belongs to the Spar family. This feldspar has a wide range of colors and uses. Fluorite, CaF2 + (C, Cl, Ce, Fe, Y), is considered a cubic crystal. Fluorite comes from the latin word for flow. Since Roman times, a massive crystalline variety of fluorite known as Blue John or Derbyshire spar has been used for making vases and other ornamental objects. It typically had a banded pattern of blue, violet and purple.

This material was mined in the district of Derbyshire, England which reportedly has now been mined out. It was originally referred to as fluorospar by miners and is still called that today. Fluorite is one of the most beautiful and interesting minerals available and very popular among mineral collectors. It is also used as a flux in the smelting of metallic ores such as steel, or in the manufacture of certain glasses, enamels and porcelains. Clear and colorless fluorite is sometimes used in optical equipment, but as this quality is rare in nature it is usually produced synthetically. Fluorite is also used as a source of fluorine for hydrofluoric acid and fluorinated water. The element fluorine also gets its name from fluorite.

The Shape & Colors of Fluorite

Clear and Purple: Objectivity; clears the way for new things, uplifting, aura cleanse, Third Eye, eyesight, sinuses; repels colds. Enhances other gems.

Green: Stills mind and heart, harmonizes and recharges all Chakra. Green Fluorite is a valuable helper in grounding excess energies.

Blue: Throat, nose, ears, soothing; helps Karmic impasses to become resolved, atonement relieved.

Yellow: Focus, cooperation, group alignment. Yttrium: Lavender, well-being, serenity,peace, connection with universe/God/eternal life force.

Clusters: lowers work/life stress (helpful on your desk), great for group therapy, teachings, meditation, yoga practice or any other types of group settings. Bring Universal clarity, unity and streams Universal energies.

Pyramid: Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, and 2 sides/brain; Crown Chakra, illuminating karmic lessons.

For Rainbow Connections

This is a powerful, all purpose healing stone. Containing a variety of rainbow colors, this stone helps to clear the Auric field. This stone clears, cleanses, dispels, purifies and reorganizes anything in the body that is not in perfect order.

Alignment is the keyword with this stone!  It offers a full range of healing and can work beautifully with another alignment stone, tourmaline.   It helps us to link in to the Universal energy and therefore, it is especially good for groups of people (such as in a meditation circle, spiritual retreat, yoga class) as it brings Universal cohesiveness and stability.

Fluorite is a teaching stone. Bringing to the forefront that which we already know, yet may have forgotten along the journey.


Angels: Zadkiel
Associated Crystal:  Spar family
Color: Rainbow colors
Chakra: All Chakra
Element: Air
Flowers: Geranium, Orange Blossom, Sunflower, Bleeding Heart, Iris, Lavender, Violet
Gods/Goddesses: Buddha, Dionysus, Bacchus, Diana, Artemis
Planet: Neptune, Venus, Saturn
Zodiac: Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Taurus
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara, Litha
Tarot: Judgement

Crystal Elixir

A crystal elixir or gem essence combines the energy of your crystal that is infused in either water or oil. It is often placed in the sun in order for the crystal to imbue the water or oil with the crystal’s energy or Qi and then the decoction is used for healing and anointing.

Here is what you need: A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water. If you are going to be placing your essence outside, be sure to cover it.   Read more here

Cleansing & Charging Fluorite

~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.

~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy.  A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 -3 and method 5 – 8

The Power of Color

Color plays a major role in determining how your crystal can help you.  A crystal’s color is due to its combination of minerals, which give it it’s own personality.  It contributes in what attracts you to it.  The psychological aspects of color determine how a crystal’s healing properties work.

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